At this point, Netflix has amassed quite the packed roster of successful original series. One of the biggest hits to arrive on the service recently has been Stranger Things, an 80s-set tribute to the sci-fi, horror, and fantasy films of that decade that also tells its own intriguing tale of monsters and alternate dimensions. Stranger Things took the world by storm last summer, becoming one of Netflix's most watched series.

Unsurprisingly, Stranger Things was subsequently picked up for a second season, this one consisting of nine-episodes as opposed to eight. The new batch arrives this Halloween, and promises to make the holiday a fun one for anyone looking forward to a return trip to Hawkins, Indiana. Nearly every main cast member from season 1 has been confirmed to return, and producers have already teased that the monsters in season 2 will "make that Demogorgon look quaint."

Stranger Things stars Finn Wolfhard and Gaten Matarazzo have also said that season 2 will be more "horror oriented", and in a chat with TV Line, series co-creator Ross Duffer expanded on this idea with the following quote:

“Last season, a lot of the horror and a lot of what was happening with Will was off screen in the Upside down. That’s not the case [in Season 2]. The horror is more up-close and personal.”

Stranger Things Season 2 Will Vision

As if that wasn't exciting enough of a promise, during the same interview, Wolfhard reveals that poor Will Byers' fortunes during season 2 aren't looking any rosier than they were in season 1:

“Something happens to Will in the first couple of episodes that’s very, very disturbing.”

Whether the two quotes above are directly related remains anyone's guess, but it does seem likely. Poor Will. That kid just cannot seem to catch a break. Stranger Things fans will of course remember that just because Will was rescued from the Upside Down at the end of season 1, that doesn't mean he came back intact. Will was last seen spitting up the Demogorgon's creepy looking mouth slugs, and seeing visions of the Upside Down darkness that he spent so much of season 1 trapped in.

While Stranger Things season 1 definitely had some notable horror elements, it certainly appears that the horror aspects are about to be ratcheted up considerably in season 2, based on each new piece of information that comes out from those in a position to know what's coming. Thankfully, in that same interview co-creator Matt Duffer promises that there will still be plenty of levity amidst all the terror.

Stranger Things season 2 arrives on Netflix this Halloween.

Next: Stranger Things Creators Offer New Details on Sean Astin’s Character

Source: TV Line