Combining two of the most loved television shows, Game Of Thronesand Stranger Things to create one great fantasy, the Stranger Things kids in their Game of Thrones houses.

Both shows are similar in their subject matter. After all, both are about magic, fantasy, and family. However, Stranger Things has to be a little more PG in its presentation of these topics. Nevertheless, each show has its own terrific traits and a superb storyline that leaves you hooked from the offset.

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Filled with fantastic actors from, Winona Ryder to Millie Bobby-BrownStranger Things is covered in 80s references, beautiful sets, and wonderful personalities. Although you have to be born into the Game of Thrones houses, each family seems to have their own specific traits and beliefs, many of which link beautifully with the Stranger Things characters. So without further ado, let's see who would go to which family.

Billy: Greyjoy

Billy and Theon Greyjoy are practically parallels. Billy is seen as impulsive from the first time he enters Hawkins Middle School and just like a Greyjoy, seems to assert his dominance and solve any problem he has with violence. When he enters the school and finds out that Steve is the most popular kid, he pushes him around during gym and asserts his dominance in the least passive way possible, ultimately fighting his way to the top.

However, just like Theon Greyjoy, he starts off as a somewhat evil and hated character, then interestingly, as their time draws to a close they somehow manage to redeem themselves, making you feel for them just as much as any good and beloved character.

Steve: Wildling

Steve Harrington wearing black glasses in Stranger Things

Just like Wildlings, Steve is independent and never relies on others unless he has too. Similar to Billy, Steve is the bad guy in season 1 but when the group eventually let him in, he becomes perhaps one of the most valuable assets in the group, saving the kids' lives on more than one occasion.

The reason Steve would most definitely be placed in the Wildling house is because of his willingness to fight against the odds, in season 2 he battles Billy, a boy much bigger than him and even though he is bound to lose he still fights against the odds placed against him. Again in season 3, Steve attempts to beat up Russian soldiers! Only serving to solidify that he belongs with the Wildlings.

Jonathan: Tarth

Similar to Brienne of Tarth, Jonathan is way more capable than he looks. When it comes to protecting the people he loves, and is loyal too, he would sacrifice his life in a second. We see the lengths he goes for Nancy and Will whenever they are in trouble.

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What makes Jonathan a perfect fit for the Tarth house, is how fierce he can be when he needs to. In season 1 when he fights Steve, he is ferocious and puts up a fantastic fight proving that he isn't scared of a challenge and will stand up for his beliefs in whatever way he can.

Joyce: Tully

Joyce Byers from Stranger Things

Although it should be noted that Jonathan nearly made this house, Joyce ultimately feels much more suited.

With their house words being "Family, Duty, Honour" it's not hard to see why she is a fantastic fit. At the end of the day, Joyce went crazy for her famil. When Will went missing she did everything she could for her family, and when he came back she fulfilled her duty as a parent to protect her family as much as she can. House Tully strive to get back what is theirs and will never give up until they get it, they are not interested in major conflicts, as long as they are safe. This is more Joyce than anyone, she does everything she can to get Will back and throughout the 3 seasons, protected and never gave up on helping Will get back to normal.

Hopper: Baratheon

Similar to a Baratheon, Hopper is stern and is almost solely led by his duty. He could fit into the Stark house because of his leader-like personality but the Baratheons are particularly ill-fated and seem to be thrown into danger without having a say in the matter.

Jim is seemingly thrown into looking after Eleven and seems to be led by his duty as a policeman as well as his desire to be a father. Although he is stern, he has good morals and ultimately wants to protect Hawkins and El as much as he can, even sacrificing himself for the cause. Just like a Baratheon, he is led by the duty bestowed on him and although ill-fated, still has good morals and protects the ones he loves.

Dustin: Stark

Dustin and Arya Stark are particularly similar in the sense that they both have their own story and arc. They both withhold good morals and remain brave in the face of immediate danger (sometimes, other times Dustin screams and hides).

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When Dustin, Steve, Robin, and Erica discover the Russian base, Dustin takes no hesitation in becoming a sort of leader to them all. Although Dustin is faced with danger, he remains loyal to Steve and Robin, managing to get them out of the base after being drugged, then becoming a parental figure to the two, keeping them out of danger until the threat has passed.

Lucas: Tarly

Lucas and Samwell seem to draw some very interesting parallels. Tarlys are loyal, trustworthy, and refuse to stab their enemies in the back.

Similar to Samwell, Lucas is a nerd. He loves his books and nerdy tech more than any of the characters and seems to be the nerdiest of the kids. Where Samwell is completely loyal to Jon Snow, Lucas is loyal to Mike and the two are best friends from most of the 3 seasons, whilst everyone else moves around their friendship circle. Lucas never once betrays his friends and refuses to stab them in the back, only confirming that he belongs in this house.

Will: Baratheon

Will Byers stranger things

For the same reasons as Hopper, Will didn't ask for any of this to happen to him. He didn't mess with the upside-down and certainly didn't provoke the Demogorgans! He was dumped in this mess more than any other character.

Will is a Baratheon more from his role in the story than his personality; similar to Robert Baratheon, he is the catalyst. Ultimately, if Robert didn't die then there would be no game for the throne. To say he is integral to the plot is an understatement, much like how Will going to the upside-down is pivotal to the Stranger Things plot.

Mike: Stark

Mike Wheeler looking nervous on Stranger Things

Being one of the main protagonists, Mike has most, if not all the personality traits of a Stark. He is brave, a fantastic leader, caring but firm, and has great morals.

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Much like El, Mike is a key character in keeping the story going in Stranger Things. The leadership role he takes on rings perfectly true to the Stark house, as he insists on bringing the group together to find Will in season 1. Just like any Stark, Mike is caring towards all of his friends and family but knows when to be stern towards characters like Lucas and Dustin when their morals go a little awry.

Eleven: Targaryen

Eleven in her pink dress and blue jacket in Stranger Things Season 1

Eleven is the Khaleesi of the Stranger Things universe. She has powers, and she is a fierce and deadly fighter, as well as being hugely independent.

Throughout the whole of their childhoods, both have suffered from the hands of power-hungry men. For El it was her "Papa" and for Daenerys, it was her brother. As one of the main protagonists of the show, El is a brave and skilled fighter, as well as being a wonderful leader in more cases than one. She leads the team to glory and survival.

NEXT: Stranger Things Theory: Season 4 Introduces Eleven’s Most Powerful Sister