Screen Rant

  • Developer and publisher Chucklefish has been accused of using unpaid labor. 1 / 7

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  • Route 59 Games developer Damon Reece said they did "hundreds of hours" of work on Starbound... 2 / 7

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  • ...over a period of almost two years, but they received no pay for it. 3 / 7

  • Several other former Starbound contributors said on Twitter that Reece's statements were accurate. 4 / 7

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  • Chucklefish responded by saying community contributors were under no obligation to work... 5 / 7

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  • ...and "dedicated their time for free." 6 / 7

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  • Reece said they were 16 at the time they began working on Starbound. 7 / 7

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