Over the ten Star Wars instalments, audiences have seen a lot of family legacies being born. There was the Skywalkers, the Naberries, the Palpatines, and the Ersos. There was also the Hutts, the Fetts as well as the Lars family. However, not all families had the healthiest relationships. In fact, a lot of these families had destructive tendencies...

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Especially if one takes a look at the household patriarchs. Nearly every character in the franchise has "daddy issues" and it's not really surprising. Most of the patriarchs have committed murder, assault, vandalism, or theft. Some have even abandoned and harmed their children. If someone asked fans who they thought made the worst father, these would be the top candidates...

Ruwee Naberrie

One person that wasn't exactly the world's greatest father had to be Ruwee Naberrie. As most people know, Ruwee was the father of Padmé and Sola. Although Padmé never got to see her family much, the deleted scenes in Attack of the Clones implies that she is close to them.

However, not close enough to tell them that she was married to a Jedi Knight or pregnant with their grandchildren. One has to wonder whether she feared her father's reaction, especially when it was clear that he was quite protective of her. Whether it was a forbidden relationship or not, surely Ruwee wouldn't have exposed them? Why would she trust her handmaidens more than them? It seems the familial relationship isn't all it appeared to be...

Owen Lars

Joel Edgerton as Owen Lars in Attack of the Clones

Another person who wasn't the best father was Owen Lars. Although Owen appeared to be the only positive role model in Luke's life, one has to question his parenting methods. He attempts to keep Luke isolated from the outside world, he shuts down any questions his nephew has about his parents and tries to prevent him from joining the academy.

Owen even forbid Obi-Wan from visiting or training Luke because he believed the Jedi Master was responsible for Anakin's demise. While Owen had the best of intentions in mind, lying to Luke and suppressing his freedom feels like he had become a tad overprotective.

Galen Walton Erso

Galen Erso Looks On at Orson Krennic

Rogue One's Galen Erso also makes the list for the worst fathers in the franchise, as he neglected Jyn and his family in favor of his work. As many fans know, Galen was the scientist who designed the Death Star's weapons system. Knowing of his passion for work, Galen unwittingly fell under Krennic's manipulation as he used his career to distance him from his family.

Ultimately, Galen ended up barely speaking to his Jyn and his wife during this time due to his loyalty to his work. However, by the time he realized the truth, the damage was already done. Galen's wife was killed and Jyn was left to be raised by a resistance fighter. Essentially, Jyn's childhood was robbed from her because of her father's actions.

Rey's Father

Rey's parents in The Rise of Skywalker.

Another obvious entry on the list would have to be Rey's father. In The Rise of Skywalker, fans were shocked to discover that Rey was actually the granddaughter of the Emperor Palpatine. The film also revealed that her father was a modified clone of Darth Sidious that was created with the sole reason of keeping his bloodline alive.

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When Rey was born, both her parents decided to escape hiding and settle on Jakku. However, once Sidious realized that his granddaughter had inherited his powers, he decided to hunt them down. To protect her, Rey's parents sold her to Unkar Plutt, who was a junk boss. Turns out this wasn't their best plan as Plutt eventually left her to fend for herself once she struck out as a scavenger. There probably was a better option out there...

Anakin Skywalker's "Father"

Anakin Skywalker and Shmi.

The question about Anakin's father is one that is still shrouded by mystery, with many fans still wondering whether he is the product of "Midi-chlorians" or the son of the Emperor. However, it seems like Anakin and Shmi were short-changed in this situation when one considers the situation Anakin was raised in.

If the Midi-chlorians were the reason for Anakin's creation then it was unfair to allow him to grow attached to his mother and then separate him from her because of the prophecy. If Palpatine was his father, then it was unfair to leave him to a life of slavery. Either way, Anakin deserved better...

Bail Organa

Bail Organa holds baby Leia on Alderaan

On the surface, Bail Organa appeared to be the perfect father. He and his wife adopted Leia, raised her in a loving household, and taught her to be a strong and compassionate leader. It also appeared that Leia wanted to follow in her father's footsteps, taking over his position in the Senate and joining the fight against the Empire.

However, fans will realize that Bail failed his keep the promise he, Obi-Wan, and Yoda made. They were meant to hide the twins so Darth Vader wouldn't be able to sense them. By allowing Leia to be in the public domain, he was putting her at risk. Even asking her to look for Obi-Wan was a reckless decision on his behalf. Bail could have protected her better.

Han Solo

From the minute Han reappeared in The Force Awakens, it was clear that his marriage to Leia was far from perfect. Since his son was now one of the leaders of the First Order, it was also clear that his relationship with Kylo Ren had taken a wrong turn as well.

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It probably wasn't the best that he spent more time fulfilling his duties to the Republic than he did with his kids. If he did then maybe he would have noticed Kylo Ren's struggles. It also doesn't help that he abandoned his family in their time of need and wouldn't stay in one place for long. He wasn't the worst father but he wasn't exactly the best.

Jango Fett

In Attack of the Clones, the audience was introduced to Jango Fett and a young Boba. It was obvious that Jango and Boba were very close since the bounty hunter took him everywhere. Jango taught him everything he knew, from basic survival skills to the tricks of the trade. Jango really did love his son...

However, it appears that it wasn't enough to quit his livelihood. Despite all the life-lessons he taught Boba, one has to remember that he constantly put his son at risk. Instead of allowing him to be a kid, Jango raised him to be a soldier. Forcing Boba to follow in his footsteps shows he wasn't the perfect father.

Anakin Skywalker

Anakin Skywalker with Sith eyes in Revenge of the Sith.

Anakin Skywalker is another character who would not be winning any father of the year awards anytime soon considering how he treated them. As soon as Anakin joined the Dark Side, everyone knew he wouldn't be a good father. He slaughtered younglings, choked a pregnant Padmé, and then spent the next 20 years trying to kill his children.

Anakin also tortured his Leia on several separate occasions and ended up cutting off Luke's hand. He also attempted to sway his son into joining the Dark Side and betraying his family. The only redemptive aspect was when he saved Luke from being killed by the Emperor. Nevertheless, there was a lot more bad than good...

Sheev Palpatine

Brings Back Emperor Palpatine

It's pretty clear by now that Sheev Palpatine has to be the worst father in the entire galaxy. There wasn't a paternalistic bone in his body - all he ever did was use people for their power. He did it with Anakin, grooming the Jedi Knight from childhood to manipulate him into joining the Dark Side. Then, he tried to have him killed once he realized Luke was stronger.

Skip forward 30 years and the audience has also learned that Palpatine had executed his own son and attempted to kill his granddaughter. If he had any other children, they were likely dead too. It's pretty clear that he is not a family man.

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