Screen Rant

  • Emperor Palpatine may take all the credit for his win... 1 / 11

    Emperor Palpatine Evil Vertical
  • But if you look at how his Empire actually took shape... 2 / 11

    Emperor Palpatine in Star Wars 9 Vertical
  • He had no idea how to rule a people, let alone a galaxy. 3 / 11

    Star Wars - Emperor Palpatine Vertical
  • Now the comics have revealed who actually had the plan... 4 / 11

    Star Wars Comic Pitina Voor Vertical
  • Minister Pitina Voor, founder of the Coalition for Progress. 5 / 11

    Pitina Voor Star Wars Vertical
  • After persuading her mindless husband to take his life... 6 / 11

    Star Wars Pitinia Voor Vertical
  • She rolled out a plan to slowly persuade worlds to submit... 7 / 11

    Star Wars Empire Plan Vertical
  • Which worked... until Palpatine started destroying it all... 8 / 11

    Star Wars Comic Palpatine Vertical
  • Not realizing nobody would want to serve an evil maniac. 9 / 11

    Star Wars Emperor Throne Comic Vertical
  • Showing Palpatine created the Rebels, despite Pitina's efforts... 10 / 11

    Emperor Palpatine Vertical
  • And the First Order is making all the same mistakes. 11 / 11