The latest Star Wars tie-in hints at the true power of Rey and Kylo Ren's Force Dyad—one the sequel trilogy ignored. The mysterious bond between Rey and Kylo Ren (aka Ben Solo) was finally explained in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, when the two stood before Emperor Palpatine. The Dark Lord of the Sith recognizes them as a dyad in the Force, a phenomenon coveted by the Sith but not seen for generations.

Star Wars tie-ins have gradually been explaining the Force Dyad, with the latest contribution coming from the book Secrets of the Sith, which purports to be extracts from the notes of Emperor Palpatine himself. It contains a section devoted to the legend, with a beautiful image of the Force Dyad showing what it looks like in the Force. The Emperor's knowledge is ultimately incomplete—Rae Carson's novelization of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker suggests Palpatine was unaware it required the participants to be strong in both the light and dark sides of the Force—but his observations are fascinating nonetheless.

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They also suggest Rey and Kylo Ren possess powers never seen in the movies. "Members of a dyad were believed to be capable of transferring their life force to heal others," the Emperor notes, confirming Rey's Force Heal power is uniquely available to members of a dyad. He added, "Some could even pass objects through time and space in an instant." There is a famous example of this at the end of The Rise of Skywalker where Rey effortlessly passes a lightsaber to Ben instead of striking down the Emperor,  but this new information takes it a step further, suggesting that the two could pass objects through time as well as space.




Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker Rey Daisy Ridley Kylo Adam Driver lightsaber fight

Star Wars has typically been wary of exploring themes of time travel. Some books in the old expanded universe explored the idea, with Paul S. Kemp's novel Crosscurrent featuring ancient Sith transported to the present day and the Legacy of the Force series featuring a power called flow-walking that could potentially rewrite history, but these were branded non-canon after Disney acquired Lucasfilm in 2012. Since then, only Star Wars Rebels has toyed with time travel when it introduced the World Between the Worlds, another plane of existence that can only be accessed through the Force. The series suggests that any attempt to change the past by way of the World Between Worlds has already been woven into the pattern of history, as seen when Ezra intervenes to save Ahsoka from Darth Vader.

The World Between the Worlds has, to date, only been accessed through Force Vergences at specific Jedi Temples. It is possible the Force Dyad's two members are able to access it on an instinctual level, allowing them to transport objects through both space and time. Rey may well have lost these abilities when Ben Solo died on the Sith planet of Exegol, but it's also possible they could have been preserved, simply because Ben transferred all his life essence into her. If so, future Star Wars stories could potentially see Rey develop these powers further, and potentially even access the World Between the Worlds.

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