Star Wars fan-made animated video imagines how things could've panned out if Order 66 failed. After years of plotting his nefarious plan, Emperor Palpatine finally unveiled his true identity following the death of Mace Windu and the confirmation that Anakin Skywalker has turned to the Dark side to serve him. He quickly mandated Order 66, which programmed the Clones to turn on the Jedi once this is implemented.

Order 66 caught the Jedi by surprise. Most of them had been fighting side-by-side with the Clones as they fended off separatists, so they were assured that they were allies. This made it easier for Emperor Palpatine to execute the mass murder as they didn't see this betrayal coming. That said, a new Star Wars video argues that considering the Jedi's training for years, this shouldn't have been the case, adding that it's more in line with what's been established in Star Wars had the Jedi won the battle.

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Courtesy of the YouTube channel Star Wars Theory is a video recapping the events of Order 66 and imagining how the franchise could've moved forward if it failed. Clocking in at eight and a half minutes, the clip maintains key Star Wars moments during this pivotal time in the galaxy including Anakin Skywalker's turn but imagines what if Jedi Grandmaster Yoda and the rest of the Jedi Order was able to sense that this was coming, giving them a bit of time to come up with a plan. Check it out below:

There are a couple of Star Wars projects tackling this dark moment in the franchise's past. Most recently, the final season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars gave fans how Order 66 looked like from a different perspective, with Captain Rex somehow able to override his chip, refusing to follow Emperor Palpatine's mandate with the help of Ahsoka Tano. As idealistic as it imagining the Jedi winning Order 66, taking this route would've effectively altered the course of the franchise's narrative. As the video lays out, Emperor Palpatine would've been killed then and there, not allowing him to run the galaxy through the evil Galactic Empire. Darth Vader would've been caught and sentenced to prison for eternity, and Padmé Amidala would've survived with Luke and Leia growing up together to become Jedi.

Nonetheless, the video suggests a cool idea for Star Wars: an alternate timeline series that will imagine how different the galaxy would be had certain moments in the story panned out differently. Marvel Studios is already doing this via the upcoming Disney+ series, What If...? and like this fan-created content, it's animated, so it would be fairly easy for a big studio to make. Considering how fans continue to be interested in the established canon while Lucasfilm has some problems moving forward with new stories, this would be a great way to offer something new to their audience in the meantime.

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Source: Star Wars Theory