Years after his debut in Star Wars, Obi-Wan Kenobi had light shed on his past through the prequels where his former Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn was introduced, a character set up years before in The Empire Strikes Back. Fans have spent little time with Qui-Gon in the canon compared to other characters. Still, he has consistently proved a brilliant addition to the franchise, especially with how he adds to Obi-Wan's character. While he was first introduced in 1999, though, the foundation was set for his debut way back in 1980.

Obi-Wan Kenobi in both Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace and the content set before that time are far different from old Ben in the original trilogy. Of course, tragedy and maturity are factors in this, but so too is Qui-Gon Jinn, one of the best Jedi in Star Wars. He shapes Obi-Wan into one of the greatest Jedi ever, taking the raw emotion and talent of the Force-user and teaching him about the ways of the Force and the Jedi's role in the galaxy. In The Empire Strikes Back, Obi-Wan and Yoda reference how much Anakin's former Jedi Master had grown, in turn teasing the eventual introduction of Qui-Gon.RELATED: The Mandalorian Season 3 Trailer Sets Up Anakin Skywalker's Return

Obi-Wan Alluded To Qui-Gon Jinn In Empire Strikes Back

Qui Gon Jinn - Liam Neeson - Kenobi force ghost

In The Empire Strikes Back, Obi-Wan reminded Yoda - in defense of Luke, the only Jedi who could redeem Darth Vader - that he was also once an angry and emotional youngster. Obi-Wan is so often positioned as the negotiator, the voice of reason, a Jedi who will take the logical and thought-out approach to things while adhering to the Jedi Code and not letting emotion take over. This revelation that he was once a rule breaking youth was surprising even back in 1980, but further canon beyond The Empire Strikes Back helps fill in those gaps.

The movie makes no mention of Qui-Gon or any other Jedi mentor for Obi-Wan for that matter, Qui-Gon was not even on Endor in Return of the Jedi. Hindsight, though, has allowed fans to look back on the iconic sequel and see how the maverick Jedi slots into Obi-Wan's life. The novel Master and Apprentice by Claudia Gray, in particular, focuses on this dynamic and growth. The beloved book reveals that Obi-Wan struggled emotionally as a young boy in the Jedi Order and often sought to break the rules. Yoda wanted to find a Jedi Master for Obi-Wan that would lead him to rebel by being dutiful - enter Qui-Gon.

With him being such a renowned maverick, a quality that leads many to think Qui-Gon could have stopped Anakin's dark side turn, the anger and rebellious nature that Obi-Wan references in The Empire Strikes Back ceased to exist, and the cautious, sage Jedi Master fans fell in love with came to be. So, without Qui-Gon, there would be no Obi-Wan in The Empire Strikes Back, nor in the original trilogy at all.

Star Wars Proved Qui-Gon Jinn Was Kenobi's Perfect Master

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan fighting against Darth Maul in The Phantom Menace.

The relationship between Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon has been a joy to watch and read about in the new canon, and all the content surrounding them has solidified Qui-Gon as the perfect Jedi Master for Kenobi. There is, of course, Qui-Gon taming the rebellious nature of Obi-Wan that allowed the Jedi to grow into one of the galaxy's greatest heroes. On top of that, though, Qui-Gon was the reason Obi-Wan could become a Force Spirit - being the first Jedi to learn how to do so and passing that lesson to Obi-Wan, perhaps Qui-Gon's greatest feat as Jedi - and helping Luke to bring balance to the Force.

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Qui-Gon's importance cannot be overstated. Had it been another Jedi under his tutelage, there would be no guarantee Anakin would have gotten trained or that Obi-Wan would survive the Clone Wars and go on to train Luke Skywalker in Star Wars. This importance did not begin in 1999 with The Phantom Menace. Rather, it was in The Empire Strikes Back that George Lucas inadvertently paved the way for Qui-Gon Jinn to be Obi-Wan Kenobi's Jedi Master.

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