Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is full of details and Easter eggs for players to encounter, and one of the best makes a significant location from the Clone Wars canon. Many iconic characters and places from the books, games, television, and more that made up the Star Wars Expanded Universe were declared Legends after Disney's acquisition of the brand, losing their status in the official canon. By referencing a location that first appeared in 2005, however, Jedi: Survivor reinstates one memorable piece of Clone Wars era lore as part of the modern canon.

Like Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, Jedi: Survivor contains a surplus of information in its Databank. General progress in the game can add entries to the Databank, but another key way to flesh it out comes from scanning objects in the environment with BD-1. The planet Koboh is home to many of these secrets, including a crashed vulture droid that can be found in the planet's Viscid Bog. Whether players come across this wreckage by chance or need to fast travel in Jedi: Survivor to seek it out, scanning the remnants of the vulture droid will reveal the Clone Wars location that Jedi: Survivor returns to the canon.

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Xi Char Gets Its First In-Canon Mention In Jedi: Survivor

Cal Kestis coming across a downed vulture droid in the Viscid Bog on Koboh in Jedi Survivor.

The Databank entry from the vulture droid in the Viscid Bog provides some context for the wreckage that litters the swamp, mentioning that the droids were originally manufactured in the cathedral factories of Xi Char. Referenced in a number of Star Wars novels and reference books, Xi Char is a religious order that made its most significant appearance in the 2005 novel Labyrinth of Evil, a narrative prequel to Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith. The Xi Charrians who follow this creed make their home on the planet of Charros IV, where the cathedral factories that Jedi: Survivor references operate.

The Xi Char Factories Are A Unique Piece Of Star Wars Canon

Databank in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor explaining the vulture droids that litter the Viscid Bog and mentioning their manufacture in Xi Char factories.

Nothing in the current Star Wars canon contradicted the manufacture of vulture droids in the Xi Char cathedral factories from Legends, but its inclusion in Jedi: Survivor officially restores this information. The Xi Char factories make for an interesting backstory for these droids, as the Xi Char religion was centered around the value of quality manufacturing. Consequently, products like vulture and Hailfire droids were works of religious significance to them. As Labyrinth of Evil reveals, their own anatomy influenced these designs, so the significance of Xi Charrians in Star Wars canon is present even in works that never mention them by name.

Although the planet of Charros IV and the Xi Char factories make no physical appearance in Jedi: Survivor, its mention of them could pave the way for future appearances in Star Wars canon. Since Jedi: Survivor's ending sets up a sequel, it's not impossible that Cal Kestis could journey to Charros IV in the future and offer a glimpse at what has happened to the planet since the rise of the Empire. Even if Xi Char doesn't reappear beyond this point, fans can still take comfort in knowing that, thanks to Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, the place of this Clone Wars classic in the canon is now secure.