The Star Wars universe is chock-full of significant galaxy-changing events, and the five years between Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and Star Wars Jedi: Survivor are no different. Players are looking forward to seeing what Cal has been doing during this gap and how that will impact the future story. Time skips can be an excellent way to reset a game’s setting and move the narrative forward quickly, with Star Wars using the same trick in both the original and prequel trilogies.

[Warning: The following article contains spoilers for Solo: A Star Wars Story and The Rise of Skywalker.]

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order takes place in the year 14 BBY, and aside from Cal’s efforts to rebuild the Jedi Order, nothing else of major significance happens. Some major events happened in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor's BBY year, however, with it taking place at the same time as the recently released Obi-Wan Kenobi series, which was set nine years before the events of A New Hope. While fans are uncertain about what Cal has been doing during the gap between games, the rest of the Star Wars universe has been very busy.

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The five years between Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and Survivor contain a mixture of big events that shaped the galaxy around them and some smaller, seemingly insignificant moments that later played much larger roles. Some crucial moments in the lives of Ezra Bridger, Hera Syndulla, and Han Solo take place during these five years. Five years might not seem like a long time, but a lot can happen - especially in the Star Wars universe.

One Year After Jedi: Fallen Order, 13 BBY Saw The Beginning Of Rebellion In Many Places

Hera and Cham Syndulla from Star Wars Rebels

Three critical events happen in 13 BBY, the first of which is the capture of Galen Erso by the Empire, as seen in Rogue One, taking him in the worst way: by force. While his daughter, Jyn Erso, was rescued by Saw Gerrera, Galen would be taken and forced to return to work on the Empire’s latest project: the DS-1 Death Star Mobile Battle Station. Galen had left the project and gone into hiding on the planet Lah’mu but was found again by his one-time friend Orson Krennic. After the death of his wife and his forced recruitment Galen secretly designed a fatal flaw into the Empire’s super weapon to aid the Rebellion’s efforts to destroy it.

The second major event is the escape of Han Solo from Corellia. After living under and working for the criminal gang the White Worms, Han sought to get himself and his girlfriend Qi’ra away from the gang and off Corellia, a well-known planet in the Star Wars galaxy. However, the escape went awry, and only Han was able to get away. Enlisting with the Imperial Navy, Han’s goal was to become the best pilot he could and return to get Qi’ra. As he was enlisting, an Imperial officer asked Han his last name, and Han told him he did not have one and that he was alone. Fittingly the officer gave Han the last name Solo.

The final event during 13 BBY is the outbreak of a fatal disease, bybbec fever, on the Twi’lek homeworld of Ryloth. Bybbec fever was a mild illness for most but deadly for Twi’leks, and as the pandemic swept over Ryloth, the only cure was a medicine made from gattis-root extract. The Empire offered to help but only if the Twi’leks, a Star Wars fan favorite alien species, registered their identities at the clinics, therefore seeking to control the population even further.

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The Free Ryloth Movement led by Cham Syndulla sought to get the gattis-root despite it being strictly controlled by the Imperials. Hera Syndulla volunteered for the mission along with Gol, one of the leaders of the Free Ryloth Movement. During the mission, Hera displays her leadership and piloting skills and takes her first step toward leading her own rebel cell.

Revolution & Legacy Set The Tone For Star Wars In 12 BBY

star wars reys parents

In 12 BBY Ezra Bridger’s parents, Ephraim and Mira, are captured by the Empire. The couple had been outspoken critics of the Empire and had been making underground revolutionary broadcasts since 18 BBY. After failing to help some children seeking to flee Lothal, the Bridgers were captured and detained by the Empire, leaving their son Ezra alone for many years.

Meanwhile, on Mustafar, Darth Vader, who met Cal Kestis before Fallen Order’s events, moved into his newly constructed fortress and attempted to open a door to the dark side to resurrect his wife, Padmé Amidala. This was the ninth version of the fortress, designed by the spirit of an ancient Sith Lord Darth Momin via a haunted mask used to possess an Imperial officer. While Vader was distracted by attacking locals, Momin used the door to the dark side to resurrect his body but was killed shortly after by Vader.

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Palpatine was also busy trying to secure his legacy during 12 BBY. Sith cultists on Palpatine’s orders used his DNA to create a clone, who was later named Dathan. Dathan possessed no connection to the Force, much to the frustration of Palpatine. Dathan would later escape, get married, and father someone who would be a much more significant figure in the Star Wars universe, Rey.

The Little Known Gorse Conflict Created The Cell Seen In Star Wars Rebels

Hera Syndulla and Kana Jarus on the cover of star wars novel a new dawn

The Gorse Conflict occurred in 11 BBY after Emperor Palpatine dispatched the ruthless Count Vidian to the Gorse system when the planet fell behind on its production quotas. Vidian wasted no time in making life miserable for people by destroying freighters and making several arrests during his tour of the mines on the planet Cynda.

The Gorse Conflict is important not because of Vidian or his eventual defeat but because of who defeated him. Both Hera Syndulla and Kanan Janus were present and met for the first time after joining forces to take down Vidian. After aiding the people of the Gorse system, Hera and Kanan stayed together and formed a rebel cell to continue to attack the Empire.

10 BBY Was A Defining Year For Star Wars Fan Favorite Han Solo

Han Solo and Chewbacca pilot the millennium falcon in Star Wars

10 BBY was a busy year in Star Wars for Han Solo as several key moments in his life take place this year, shaping who he would become before meeting Luke and Leia in A New Hope. The first is Han’s attempt to desert the Empire, which saw him captured and thrown to ‘the beast’ by his superiors. The beast was a Wookiee named Chewbacca, and together they managed to escape.

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Shortly afterward, Han reunited with his former lover Qi’ra who introduced Han and Chewbacca to Lando Calrissian. Han attempted to win the Millennium Falcon from Lando in a game of sabacc but failed. However, Lando still agreed to let Han use the ship for a heist - similar to one of EA’s canceled Star Wars games - with Lando piloting. When escaping with their stolen fuel Han took the helm and plotted a shorter, more dangerous course to their destination, completing the famous Kessel Run.

With the aid of Han and Chewbacca, Qi’ra was able to kill Crimson Dawn leader Dryden Vos and take his place as the leader of the crime syndicate. After parting with Qi’ra, Han challenged Lando to a rematch and though cheating, won the Falcon. Setting out together, Han and Chewbacca begin their lives as smugglers.

It is unclear how the events of these years will impact the story of Cal Kestis, if at all. What it shows is a clear sign that rebellion is spreading throughout the Star Wars galaxy as planets start to buck against Imperial rule one by one. Regardless, fans will have to wait until 2023 to see what Respawn has in store with Star Wars Jedi: Survivor and the next installment of Cal’s story, and whether or not he becomes a more active participant in a burgeoning rebellion.

Next: All Solo: A Star Wars Story Easter Eggs In Jedi: Fallen Order