Star Wars: The Clone Wars has finally had its last season. The show that was canceled six years ago and seemed unlikely to be finished has been completed. Clone Wars has long been a hit among fans, and the final season has been no exception. The series fills in the three years gap between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith.

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With this last season also came a new set of great memes. Here we'll take a look at the great memes that are either related to season 7 or inspired by it. It should be noted that there are spoilers for all seven seasons of The Clone Wars below, as well as some for Rebels. So, here are 10 hilarious memes from Clone Wars season 7 that only true fans will understand.

Maul Before Solo

This isn't technically a season 7 meme, but this season has brought Maul back into the spotlight after his Solo cameo. While casual fans wondered how it would be explained that Maul was alive, Clone Wars fans already knew. Solo certainly took a huge step in taking something from a show and putting it in a movie, but Maul's full story is mostly found in the animated shows.

Maul, of course, features heavily in the last story arc of the show, but his eventual role in Solo was referenced multiple times. Audiences learn that he's already calling the organization Crimson Dawn, and the character Dryden Vos can be seen in a hologram.

Werner Herzog Has New Priorities

Naturally, most people are with Werner Herzog in wanting to see Baby Yoda every episode of The Mandalorian. But with Clone Wars back for one more season, everyone wanted to see one of their favorites again. While Ahsoka featured recurringly in Rebels, she had not been seen in Clone Wars since the end of season 5, not counting a brief appearance in a vision of Yoda's in season 6.

Ahsoka's reappearance was far from a cameo, too. Featuring in eight of the twelve episodes of the final season, she is truly the star here. If fans' biggest expectation from season 7 was Ahsoka's return, they certainly couldn't be disappointed.

New Visible Confusion

Season 7 memes are excellent, and in some cases, they could replace existing ones. Here we have the great Obi-Wan "visible confusion" meme. Normally, this meme uses an image of Ewan McGregor's Obi-Wan Kenobi on the planet Kamino in Attack of the Clones. But James Arnold Taylor's Obi-Wan in Clone Wars is just as important to the Jedi's story.

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While McGregor will appear as Obi-Wan again in a live-action Disney Plus series, Taylor's Obi-Wan has been our primary Obi-Wan since 2008. It's only fair he gets to say "Hello There" and be a part of the meme game too.

Fives Knows What's Up

In all seriousness, Fives' death in season 6 is one of the saddest moments in the whole series. However, this meme perfectly captures what Star Wars canon can do. Clone Wars had long added a lot of depth and character development to the prequel era, but the final story arc brought things together in an entirely different way.

Instead of being set between two movies and referencing the past while foreshadowing the future, season 7's last episodes were concurrent with Revenge of the Sith. That knowledge adds another level to the episodes, especially upon first viewing.

Silencing The Haters

It's been said that no one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans. Some try to blame Disney, but many have been hating on Star Wars long before then. Many fans have come to embrace every movie and show in the galaxy far, far away, and the completion of the Skywalker Saga and now Clone Wars ties the series together even more than before.

While many fans ignore the haters in general, it must be pointed out that even the haters have to love something from the modern era of Star Wars. In the past year alone, Star Wars produced the final movie of the Skywalker Saga, the first season of The Mandalorian, the final seasons of Resistance and Clone Wars, the game Fallen Order, Galaxy's Edge in Disney Parks, and numerous books and comics.

We Do Love Obi-Wan

All the best memes and posts have Obi-Wan in them, right? From "Hello There" to "I have the high ground," Kenobi is a fan favorite who also inspires some hilarious memes. So naturally, this line from Maul in season 7 provides the perfect meme.

It's likely the use of this meme will ramp up even more as fans await the Kenobi series on Disney Plus. Anytime new Star Wars news or Disney Plus additions that aren't about the Kenobi series are released, expect this meme to pop up. It's not that people won't be excited about other things, but come on, fans are beyond pumped for Obi-Wan to show up again.

Dave Filoni Sticks With Clone Wars

Dave Filoni is one of the most beloved Star Wars creators, and it's very special that he finally got to finish Clone Wars. When Disney bought Lucasfilm, Clone Wars was canceled and Disney had Filoni create Rebels for Disney XD. Rebels was certainly a wonderful show, and it connected to Clone Wars in many ways, but Disney Plus meant Filoni could finally finish his first Star Wars series.

RELATED: Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 7: 10 Connections & References To The Movies

Dave Filoni is in place of Plo Koon here, when a Clone Trooper tells the Jedi they are expendable. He responds, "Not to me." The best part of this is that Filoni has often stated that Plo Koon is his favorite character, and he was able to develop him further in Clone Wars. It seems likely that season 7 was as important to Filoni as the Clones were to Plo Koon.

Everything Connects

We already mentioned how the final story arc of Clone Wars is concurrent with Episode III. What viewers may realize afterward is that the story moves at almost the same pace as Revenge of the Sith, as it has definite events to define where the story is at in any given moment. It wouldn't be surprising at all to see a supercut of the final Clone Wars episodes and Revenge of the Sith in the future.

Granted, some of it can be very heavy. Fans know what's coming based on what they are catching wind of from Revenge of the Sith. Obi-Wan and Anakin are seen leaving to go rescue the Chancellor, Obi-Wan is shown reporting on Anakin killing Dooku, and Obi-Wan is heard engaging General Grievous on Utapau. Fans are left to watch Ahsoka while knowing full well that Anakin is about to turn to the Dark Side.

New Memes Are A Gift

Fans probably have more templates for memes from their favorite galaxy than anyone could ever ask for, but a few more couldn't hurt, right? As seen throughout this article, Clone Wars season 7 did its part and added a whole slew of new memes for Star Wars fans. Or as Hondo is saying, a gift from the Jedi.

There will be some meme stealing going on, as always. Hondo and his pirates would approve. Sharing new Star Wars memes can always make fans smile, and finding new ones opens up new meme possibilities.

Be Strong

Mr. Incredible says it all here. Order 66 is perhaps the heaviest moment in all of Star Wars. We've seen it play out in Revenge of the Sith, the Kanan comic, the Fallen Order game, and now Clone Wars. But this perspective of it was perhaps the most personal. Not only is Rex one of Ahsoka's best friends, but fans have come to know Rex better than any other Clone Trooper. Fans of Rebels would already know that true tragedy wasn't going to befall the two friends during Order 66, but it was heartwrenching all the same.

If you made it through watching Order 66 again, congratulations, you were strong enough. But certainly, Clone Wars season 7 is a phenomenal piece of storytelling. The drama is very gripping and provides a satisfying conclusion to the series.

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