Domnhall Gleeson doesn't want to spoil Star Wars: Episode IX, which is why he regrets reading the script. Following the departure of director Colin Trevorrow, Disney and Lucasfilm turned back to J.J. Abrams. The Lost co-creator helped them crush box office records in 2015 with the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Even though some threw terms like "safe" and "rehash" at Abrams' previous work in the galaxy far, far away, most appear ready to welcome the familiarity after Rian Johnson divided fans with Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

Abrams' return also means the return of the mystery box though. He set several stories in motion in The Force Awakens that either weren't included in The Last Jedi or didn't develop as fans hoped, leaving many to wonder what he's going to do to wrap up the Skywalker Saga. Most are impatiently waiting for details to arrive, but one cast member wishes he didn't know what was coming.

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Domnhall Gleeson, who plays General Hux, was recently on the Happy Sad Confused Podcast [via Epicstream] to discuss his new film The Little Stranger. But, the conversation eventually shifted towards the upcoming Star Wars film, which is where Gleeson revealed his regret. It isn't solely based on not wanting to know what happens from the perspective of a fan, but also due to the burden of knowing what comes next and trying not to spoil it.

I made the terrible mistake of reading the script, I know everything. The nightmare is falling asleep on public transport … The nightmare is you wake up on a plane and someone’s dictating. You wake up and your mouth is shaping words, you wake up and you’re like ‘Skywalker did this.’ And then you realize you don’t know how long you’ve been speaking, and there’s a kid filming, there’s somebody writing it down. And because you’re in the air, you say, ‘We need to have a talk before we land, I can access my bank account.'

With production only just beginning on Star Wars 9, Gleeson is going to have to keep these spoilers a secret for quite some time. A first trailer for Star Wars 9 isn't expected to arrive this year, and probably not till Star Wars Celebration next spring. All plot details are being kept under wraps too, so not even the leaked set photos can offer up anything substantial. As much as fans would like Gleeson to slip up just to learn something, such a hope could backfire depending on the level of spoilers Star Wars 9 has.

Abrams and writer Chris Terrio have surely found a way to progress the story forward while also delivering a few surprises along the way. What those surprises ultimately are is what fans will be theorizing about for the next several months. Many still want to see Rey's parentage explored further, even though The Last Jedi said they were nobodies. Other sections of fans want more of Snoke, even if it comes via Matt Smith playing a younger version. Whatever surprises Abrams has in store, hopefully they'll deliver; and for Gleeson's sake, fans can only hope he doesn't reveal them in his sleep while traveling.

MORE: Domnhall Gleeson Teases 'Epic' Star Wars 9

Source: Happy Sad Confused Podcast [via Epicstream]

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