Screen Rant

  • Commodore Oh is the arch antagonist of Star Trek: Picard. 1 / 7

  • She is both the head of Starfleet Security, and a leader in the Zhat Vash. 2 / 7

    Star Trek Young Picard Vertical
  • The Zhat Vash are a Romulan group, but Oh is a Vulcan. 3 / 7

  • Well, actually, she's revealed to be only half-Vulcan, and the other half is Romulan. 4 / 7

  • The two species are biologically connected, so it's an easy trait to hide. 5 / 7

  • It's unlikely she would hold such a key position if Starfleet knew her full heritage. 6 / 7

  • But the dual loyalties do explain how the Zhat Vash infiltrated Starfleet. 7 / 7