Screen Rant

  • Star Trek Discovery finally updated a key piece of tech. 1 / 8

    Star Trek Discovery Vertical
  • Since the show began as a prequel, the delta badges were only decorative. 2 / 8

  • Now in the 32nd century, the new delta badges have new features. 3 / 8

    Star Trek Discovery Delta Badge Vertical
  • They project holographic displays, act as tricorders, and become personal transporters. 4 / 8

    Star Trek Discovery Delta Badge Holo Padd pic vertical
  • They still function as communicators and universal translators. 5 / 8

    Picard awkward waving meme vertical
  • It was time for the futuristic Star Trek to catch up with smartphones' versatile size. 6 / 8

    Star Trek First Contact Vertical
  • It was also logical to use the devices for more innovative purposes. 7 / 8

    Star Trek The Original Series Enterprise Insignia Vertical
  • Discovery now has unlimited freedom to introduce revolutionary technology. 8 / 8