Screen Rant

  • The latest Star Trek: Discovery tie-in confirms Burnham made a big mistake at the Battle of the Binary Stars. 1 / 7

    Star Trek Dead Endless Vertical
  • It's set in a slightly different timeline, where Burnham's prejudice didn't get the better of her... 2 / 7

    Michael Burnham Star Trek Vertical
  • Leading her to trigger galactic war. 3 / 7

    Klingon War Vertical
  • In this timeline, the Federation never lost its way... 4 / 7

    Soniqua Martin Green as Michael Burnham in Star Trek Discovery vertical
  • And Discovery continued its spore drive experiments, even encountering a Multiversal Federation. 5 / 7

    USS Discovery Vertical
  • If Burnham is an angel at all, she is the angel of death... 6 / 7

    Star Trek Discovery Burnham Vertical
  • Whose mistake cost countless lives. 7 / 7

    Sonequa Martin Green as Michael Burnham on Star Trek: Discovery