One of the most common features included in most video games these days is a Photo Mode, and Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales continues the tradition which started in the original Marvel's Spider-Man on the PS4 by offering players lots of different camera options, stickers, and filters to use. Although everyone will likely have their own preference for which filter and combination of settings in Spider-Man: Miles Morales makes for the best Photo Mode picture, one filter in particular stands above the rest.

Officially called the "Pixel" filter in Spider-Man: Miles Morales, it's clear that this particular image alteration was inspirited by how video games looked on the very first Nintendo Game Boy. Before Nintendo's handhelds were filled with color and bright images, the original Game Boy featured a green-tinted screen with a dot-matrix display, and the only option available to players for changing the quality of the game's visuals was an adjustable contrast dial. Although handheld consoles have since became nearly as graphically capable as those that require a power source and television to function, some players still find comfort in the nostalgic simplicity of the Nintendo Game Boy's capabilities.

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Despite all of the high-quality upgrades Spider-Man: Miles Morales (and the original Marvel's Spider-Man) is receiving on PS5, the game's Photo Mode makes a compelling argument for early 1990s graphics, especially in broad daylight scenes where the contrast between Miles Morales' Spider-Man suit and the empty sky are the most noticeable. Although Miles Morales' Photo Mode Pixel filter doesn't seem to take as many quality pictures during the evening hours, it does make it abundantly clear that Spider-Man: Miles Morales would look stunning on a Nintendo Game Boy. Check out these images below:

Spider-Man: Miles Morales As A Nintendo Game Boy Game

Spider Man Miles Morales Game Boy Crouch
Spider Man Miles Morales Game Boy Power Stance
Spider Man Miles Morales Game Boy Jump (1)

Of course, this isn't the only retro video game art style available in Spider-Man: Miles Morales' Photo Mode. Players can make Miles look like a character from a 1980s computer game or even an early SNES, in addition to the multitude of more cinematic camera shots and lighting effects that are possible. While not every player finds an in-game Photo Mode to be as enjoyable a pastime as others, there are likely many, many people who are grateful Insomniac Games gave them as many options as they did.

Even though Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales' story isn't as long as the one found in the original game, it's still just as enjoyable, heartfelt, and entertaining, and inclusions like multiple side missions, New Game Plus changes and abilities, and a heavily-customizable Photo Mode go a long way towards make the game a more fulfilling and fleshed-out experience. While players may lament that it's unlikely a new Nintendo Game Boy game like the one pictured above will ever be released, perhaps in a future patch or DLC update to Spider-Man: Miles Morales Insomniac Games will consider making this filter something players can keep on at all times - which would be the next best thing.

Next: Spider-Man: Miles Morales - Who Miles' Voice Actor Is

Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales is available now on PS4 and PS5.