The release of Spider-Man: Miles Morales was met with critical acclaim for being a game that put great effort in telling a good story for a spin-off. Miles is a character who earned this title, having featured in a major way in Spider-Man PS4.

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This is why gamers should check out Miles’ solo title, but he’s not the only character who deserves a game of his own. There are others who have contributed heavily to their respective franchises. These are the characters who have done more than enough to warrant their solo games and there are quite a few reasons why it should become a reality.

Miles Morales (Spider-Man)

Spider-Man Miles Morales

The way this spin-off improved upon its predecessor was by placing emphasis on Miles Morales. The game allowed the player to truly be in Miles’ shoes, experiencing the daily issues he faces and learning what it means to be a superhero.

Miles deserved to get his own game due to his role in the original where he offered solid support to Peter. Miles didn’t come across as a sidekick, but rather an intriguing character whose own story was worth following.

Atreus (God Of War)

God of War Atreus

The way the God of War story was presented was reminiscent of a movie. Atreus might just be placed to eventually take over the series, but for the time being talk of him headlining a game is reserved for a potential spin-off.

He has an entire future that’s been teased and can be incorporated into the story, but staying true to the spin-off nature means offering a plot that’s lighter in scale. To this end, Atreus’ solo game can look into a prequel to God of War PS4 where the young Kratos is navigating in the Norse world on his own.

Tommy (The Last Of Us)

Tommy in The Last of Us 2

Tommy might be the only character left in The Last of Us who has a solid arc remaining. There’s a big gap of two decades that he wasn’t shown for, which can be the story that his spin-off can tell. Being the brother of Joel, he has a similar skill set.

Playing as Tommy can ensure that tired zombie tropes are avoided as his story concerned survival with the Fireflies group. He’s so far been underutilized in the series, so a game dedicated to his story is certainly warranted.

Vergil (Devil May Cry)

Vergil in Devil May Cry 5 Screenshot

Despite showing up as a playable character in three Devil May Cry games, Vergil hasn’t had his own story modes. He’s more than deserved a solo run, having been a breakout character in the series who was brought back by popular fan demand.

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Vergil’s spin-off can make way for true character development, as he’s currently on a path of redemption that can play out in a game dedicated just to him. It would also be interesting to see Dante and Nero from Vergil’s point of view.

Trevor Philips (Grand Theft Auto)

Trevor Philips Grand Theft Auto V

While Trevor was one of the three protagonists of GTA V, the huge map of the game meant a lot of the players didn’t fully invest themselves in the story. Besides, Trevor is such a chaotic force that a story all about him is the way to do him justice.

A spin-off could even take a lighter tone. Perhaps Trevor’s attempts to get his business running can be the center focus. Fans were intrigued with Trevor the most out of the three protagonists, so a solo run can offer a better look into his characterization.

Princess Zelda (The Legend Of Zelda)

Breath Of The Wild Zelda smiling

Although the series has been active for a long time, it’s only in recent releases that Princess Zelda has moved away from her damsel-in-distress role. By now, her strong points like her intelligence, tenacity of spirit, and charm have all been highlighted, and it’s high time she gets a story of her own.

Considering the series is named after her, it’s already rather strange that she hasn’t gotten one of these single titles already. A spin-off can lay the groundwork for further games revolving around her, with potentially easy-to-control gameplay styles the best way to introduce this aspect.

Victor Sullivan (Uncharted)

Victor Sullivan with a cigar in Uncharted

The Uncharted series seems to be done and dusted for half a decade by now, which is a shame since fans would love more. A Sully spin-off is the best idea since it would be set in his younger days and wouldn’t interfere with the established plotlines set in the future.

A glimpse of young Sully was seen in the third game, and an entire title showing Sully’s origins and personal adventures sounds like a great idea. With Sully having provided constant support to the main protagonists for four games, he deserves to steer the wheel for once.

The Boss (Metal Gear Solid)

Metal Gear Solid 3 The Boss

There have already been several Metal Gear spin-offs released, yet the Boss hasn’t had one for her. She was a vital part of Big Boss' life, with her eventual antagonistic turn one that could be better understood if players follow her story.

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A spin-off based around her motives would be an intriguing way to take a look into the distant past of the Metal Gear Solid series, along with the prospect of experiencing the Boss' expertise firsthand. It additionally brings a young Big Boss into the mix, which can further carve out the duo’s backstory.

Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)

Scorpion holding spear in Mortal Kombat X

As far as Mortal Kombat is concerned, the best games in the series are those that have a strong Scorpion presence. He’s the most recognizable character from the franchise and it’s only obvious that he gets a spin-off to showcase his maximum potential.

Scorpion has had a main role earlier, but a spin-off exclusive to him can steer focus from his only being seen in a villainous light. The game could also take liberties in gameplay that use Scorpion’s powers in more creative ways.

Jin Kazama (Tekken)

Jin Kazama tekken

It’s a wonder how the Tekken series has had spin-off titles before but hasn’t incorporated Jin Kazama on a solo basis. After all, he’s the only character who’s had a hero arc and whose storylines have been canonical.

The Tekken franchise has been in need of an overhaul for a while in any case, so using Jin’s arc of wanting to rid himself of the devil gene can be used as a nice diversion. The game could even expand Tekken’s reach away from simply being a fighter series.

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