Warning: contains spoilers for Miles Morales: Spider-Man #41!

Marvel finally reveals exactly what happens when a Spider-Man forgets their most important mantra - and how Miles Morales is different. The Brooklyn Spider-Man has traveled across the Multiverse, the Spider-Verse and has finally landed in a world run by his evil clone, Selim. Miles Morales: Spider-Man #41 finally depicts a Spider-Man who not only forgot his most famous quote, but threw it away - and sadly, didn't live to regret it.

The past few years have seen Miles Morales fight in his own Clone Saga, defeating two clones and befriending the third. Unfortunately, the leader Selim vanished through a portal in the Multiverse - and when Miles followed him, he found himself in a bitter, dystopian Brooklyn known as the Empire of the Spider. Miles linked up with the local resistance and met his childhood friends - now fully grown into bitter, war-weary veterans, including his best friend Ganke.

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In Miles Morales: Spider-Man #41, written by Saladin Ahmed with art by Christopher Allen, an epic battle erupts across the city as Emperor Selim joins the battle personally and threatens to detonate an entire building with the powers of his new suit. Ganke eventually tackles Selim, flies him up into the stratosphere, and the two disappear in a massive explosion. Later, Miles' (now older) sister Billie give the eulogy, and mentions that Ganke would often say the famous line about great power and responsibility. "He said that was the lesson that Selim forgot. He would never explain what he meant by that."

The Empire of the Spider is over

Miles Morales isn't commonly associated with the famous and inspiring motto (it's more commonly seen in adventures starring Peter Parker), but the mantra clearly applies to all Spider-Man variants and heroes in general. Selim acquired more and more power, but never realized the massive responsibility that came with said power. He could have turned Brooklyn into a paradise if he truly wanted, but instead flaunted his power out of fear and anger. Meanwhile, Miles has never wanted power, nor has he wanted to stand out in a crowd and acquire fame or fortune - he simply wanted to be Spider-Man (and unlike Peter, he didn't become a superhero out of guilt over a past mistake).

With the end of the Empire of the Spider story arc, Marvel proves that the main failings of the many evil Spider-Man have little to do with circumstances of birth, but rather the decisions they make as to how they use their power. Spidercide, Selim, Mindspinner and Shift all misused their power (or were themselves misused and misled), but many of them were deserving of a second chance, and Miles always gave them as many opportunities as he possibly could. Spider-Man's mantra isn't just for himself - it's a lesson he teaches to his villains.

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