Netflix's Space Force hit screens in May 2020 and has instantly become a Top 10 show to watch. With Steve Carell and Greg Daniels at the forefront of the series, the 10-episode show focuses on the newest sixth branch of the US military: Space Force. Carell plays General Mark Naird, who has to juggle a new extreme job that's never been done before while his family falls apart at the seams.

RELATED: Space Force: 5 Reasons Why Fans Want A Second Season (& 5 Why They Don't)

While Netflix hasn't given Space Force the green light for a second season yet, it's been said that Carell and Daniels are already preparing for season 2. Until then, fans on Reddit have come together to give their theories on the current season and how it's going to turn out. But are all of them feasible? Here's a look.

Makes Sense: Space Force & Parks & Recreation Are Part Of The Same Universe


Is Parks and Recreation and Space Force in the same universe? One Reddit fan believes that Jean Ralphio from Parks and Recreation is Tony Scarapiducci in Space Force, just in the present day. While this may seem far-fetched, this theory totally makes sense. The last time Parks and Rec. fans saw Jean Ralphio was when he planned his own funeral as a way to fool the government. If he really did start a new life, it's plausible he would work in social media and re-name himself Tony. After all, they do dress similarly and act nearly the same.

Far-Fetched: Netflix Teamed Up With The U.S. Government

Oddly enough, Space Force is also the name of the sixth branch of the United States Armed Forces. However, it appears the U.S.'s team of defense was too slow to the punch because Netflix already trademarked the name in more than one country.

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But what if it wasn't an accident? One fan thinks it's far too close to be coincidental. Just five months after the US.. announced Space Force, Netflix dropped a TV series about it. Some think Netflix and Steve Carell were paid to put this show in motion to bring more of a liking to the U.S.'s Space Force.

Makes Sense: Erin Dated Bobby Just To Upset Her Dad

Erin Naird is clearly a troubled teen. She's acting out because her dad's job moved the family from DC (where all her friends were) to Colorado, where she knew no one. It doesn't help that her mother is in jail and she's alone a lot.

In the show, Erin is seen hanging out with Bobby. She doesn't appear to be all that into him, which is why fans think she only "dated" him to get back at her dad for making her move. After all, Bobby is in his late twenties and Erin is still in high school...

Far-Fetched: Writers Knew They Rushed The Show

Not many writers would admit to rushing a series on purpose. First seasons need to be meticulously crafted to keep new fans interested and coming back for more. Sadly, many fans agree that season 1 of Space Force was incredibly rushed. One minute General Naird is ordered to run Space Force, and the next minute he has boots on the moon. Where did the time go?

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One fan on Reddit thinks the writers knew they were rushing the plot for the sake of the show. "When the writers have Gen Naird say 'Just count to [three],' I believe it is a wink and a nod to the notion of something along the lines of 'hey this is a satirical Netflix take on the new Space Force and we could count to 125 for accuracies sake...'"

Makes Sense: Tony Was Inspired By A Famous Instagram Page

Let's say that Tony Scarapiducci isn't the new-and-improved Jean Ralphio. Instead, let's pretend he's a very similar character played by the same actor... Some fans think that Tony's character was actually inspired by social media star, F**k Jerry. As one fan pointed out, F**k Jerry is often trolled for stealing people's content and being annoying. Funnily enough, Tony is called F**k Tony by his co-workers. Is this a nod to the original?

Far-Fetched: Is Duncan General Dabney Stramm's Son?

Duncan is a Southern security guard who appears to have a crush on Erin Naird. He's big and strong but seems to be a little naive at times. On the contrary, General Dabney Stramm is the Commandant of the Marine Corps. He's a serious, no-nonsense kind of guy who always adds his two cents when the branches come together for a meeting.

There's a theory on Reddit that these two could possibly be related, with Duncan as General Stramm's son. However, just because the two look similar doesn't necessarily mean the show will bridge the two characters and make them related. Fans will find out in season 2.

Makes Sense: Dr. Mallory Changed Gears After Speaking To The Chinese General

In the show, Dr. Mallory was at firs, against all combative motives. He was totally against a war on the Moon and was disgusted after hearing General Naird had guns placed on the rocket. But somewhere down the line, Dr. Mallory changed his tone. After seeing the Chinese crush the American flag, he was suddenly all for aggression. Some say it's because he felt ignored by the Chinese scientists he spoke to earlier. They appeared to show no recollection or respect for Dr. Mallory and his work. The sudden disrespect could have changed his tune.

Far-Fetched: Maggie Murdered Someone

Viewers never find out why Maggie Naird is in jail. All we know is that she's in there for at least 40 years, which proves that what she did was horrible. One fan thinks Maggie committed second-degree murder based on the length of her sentence. But if Maggie killed someone, why would General Naird (a high official in the US military) be so friendly with her and be allowed conjugal visits? No one would be as sweet and hopeful of a person if they murdered someone.

Makes Sense: Anabela Ysidro-Campos Is A Parody Of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Anabela Ysidro-Campos (AYC) is a congresswoman from New York. She's an intimidating powerhouse who's out to get those at Space Force for wasting money on frivolous things while asking for more money. She's both intelligent and brave and doesn't take crap from anyone.

It's believed that AYC is a parody of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Known as AOC, she's a U.S. representative for the state of New York. There are far too many coincidences for these two not to be related.

Far-Fetched: Edison Jaymes Is A Parody Of Elon Musk

Speaking of parodies, there's another theory that Edison Jaymes is actually a take on Elon Musk. Both Musk and the fictional Jaymes are incredibly powerful and inventive. Musk is also the founder of SpaceX. However, there are fans who think Jaymes is more fitting for Elizabeth Holmes. She has done outstanding work with blood testing and was apparently dishonest about the science behind that testing, which sounds a lot like Edison Jaymes with her Skinny Fuel...

NEXT: 10 Things That Make No Sense About Space Force