Despite the fact that Sons Of Anarchy wrapped up its story with a perfect ending, something that many shows fail to do, there are still many unanswered questions fans have about the main characters. Whether it be how things ended for them or issues that weren't fully addressed from within the show earlier on. With such a large cast of characters from those within the main group to people in rival gangs or beyond, it was always going to be a tough task wrapping up every single storyline to perfection.

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After all, because the show was so popular it managed to build up a true legion of fans who stuck with the show from start to finish. They dedicated everything to it and simply want to stay connected and know more information. With that in mind, here are 10 unanswered questions people still have about the main characters.

Marks' Church Land

Sons of Anarchy August Marks

In season seven things reached boiling point between the Sons and August Marks, who wanted to own some land that a Minister was in charge of. In the end, he gets his way and a deal with the deceased Minister would have allowed him to use a church for a house project until the Sons get involved.

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Ultimately after a series of events, Marks ends up being disposed of, and then the show doesn't mention that area again. Property that they worked so desperately hard for is simply forgotten about. Who took over it? Did Marks' crew keep pushing or were the Sons now in charge? Nobody knows.

How Do The Sons Avoid Detection

Within Charming, everyone knows who the Sons are. They're known to nearby gangs, locals, shop owners, and of course, the Sheriff department. This is because of the high number of murders and illegal activities they get up to, making a very large noise in a very small town.

Yet for some reason, all of their issues never once raise concern from higher up. The government or the media never once show up to question how there are so many deaths in this tiny area, which would happen in real life if one place was this busy with issues.

John's Backstory

Without ever appearing on the show, John Teller had a huge impact in what happened on it, especially through his son, Jax. We got to see letters and hear stories from other characters to piece John together slightly, and a lot of mystery was surrounding him.

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It was clear that John knew about Clay and Gemma's plans to kill him, and there were hints that they did exactly that. However, other moments hinted that he did exactly what Jax did at the end in order to help the club. A few throwback scenes to fully explain these details would have been massively appreciated by audiences.

Will Chibs Ever Find Love Now That He's President?

SAMCRO member Chibs and Sheriff Jarry in Sons of Anarchy

Sons Of Anarchy isn't a particularly romantic show, but there are certainly many different romance storylines and relationships that take place. Throughout the majority of it all, Chibs stays out of that, until near the end when he enters a sexual relationship with Althea Jarry.

Alas, we all knew these star-crossed lovers were doomed from jump. Even though some members of law enforcement are friendly with the Sons, there's no way a real, loving romance could survive — and theirs doesn't. But did his time with Althea awaken a romantic spark in Chibs? And will he even have time for romance now that he's the president of the club?

Tig & Venus

Sons of Anarchy Tig and Venus

Tig and Venus is a relationship that absolutely nobody saw coming before it happened. However, in a strange way it absolutely works and suits Tig's character perfectly. However, relationships on this show don't normally work out well, so do things stay fun for this couple?

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Venus has to send her son away to live with relatives as Jax killed her mother, which is no doubt going to cause issues. With Tig being the VP of the MC, will they be able to stay out of drama to enjoy life? Given they're one of the happier couples, fans want to know.

Will Nero Live In Peace?

Sons of Anarchy - Gemma and Nero

Nero is one of the lucky ones who manage to escape the show alive and without too much baggage. But is it realistic to believe that he and Wendy will forever live an idyllic country life, raising Jax's children?

Will anyone with a grudge against Jax track his kids down and seek vengeance? And what about Abel and Thomas themselves? It's probably they'll have questions for Nero about their real father. What if they want to follow in daddy's footsteps?

Jax's Kids

Sons Of Anarchy Abel Teller

While they don't play huge parts in the show, mainly because they're just young children, Abel and Thomas are important characters. They are the base for a lot of the decisions members of their family make, and in the end, they're left without their parental figures.

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This does leave the question as to what happens to them? We see Abel with his mother, Wendy at the end of the show, but he is also holding an SOA ring in his hand. Clearly foreshadowing that he might become a member down the line, it left many wondering what exactly they get up to.

Juice's Worries

Juice Ortiz

Juice Ortiz became a firm fan favorite throughout the show as he was given more opportunity to shine in storylines. Ultimately, his was a sad story with Juice becoming incredibly worried when he finds out he is half black, which violates a club rule written a long time ago.

However, it is never really explained why he is so worried about that rule? He ends up ratting on the group because of the situation, which doesn't make sense as Jax had worked with many different races since then and clearly trusted him. He had stated the rules were old and needed revision, so surely this was something that could have been sorted.

What Direction Do The Sons Take?

sons of anarchy jax's death

This isn't about just one character but is about the entire Sons Of Anarchy group and what they did after the show ended. Jax Teller spent a long time trying to get the club to start focusing on legitimate business, however, outside of mechanical work their best shot was Diosa, which was a pleasure house.

However, not everyone would always buy into his ideas and the group often slipped back into illegal issues. So, once Jax was dead, what road did they travel down? Did the SOA follow his desire to be a legitimate business, or did they go back to what they knew best?

NEXT: Sons Of Anarchy: 10 Characters With The Highest Kill Counts, Ranked