Is Snapchat's notification of an 'Unviewed Story' a little confusing? Like many apps, Snapchat sends alerts to its users, letting them know of an event or interaction related to their account. The Unviewed notification is causing a bit of confusion among users, who are getting the idea that someone has 'Unviewed' their Story, resulting in a loss of views. In reality, that's far from what the notification means.

When Snapchat sends an alert indicating an 'Unviewed Story,' it is to inform the user that one of their friends has posted a story that they have not yet seen. Why does it matter? Well, Snapchat Stories only last for 24 hours. Once the time has lapsed since its upload, it will disappear into oblivion, and the user will no longer get a chance to see it. So don't let a friend or Super BFF down by forgetting to check out their post. When the alert appears on the phone, simply tap it, and the app will instantly open the story.

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How To Turn Off Snapchat Story Notifications

Snapchat Story Alerts

Some users may not care about unwatched stories or don't want to have their phones bombarded with notifications. For these users, it's easy to turn off the 'Unviewed Story' notification. First, open Snapchat and tap the profile icon or Bitmoji in the top left of the screen. Next, tap the Settings icon or gear in the top right. Find and select the 'Notifications' menu. Turn off the 'Stories from Friends' setting, and the pesky alerts should stop.

Of course, if a Snapchat user is worried about losing a Snap Streak with another user, it would probably be wise not to turn off the alerts. While the story itself doesn't keep the streak going, interacting with that particular friend after viewing their post will. Another way for individuals to ensure they never miss a Snap from their friends is to activate the lock screen widget for iPhone.

What Do The Numbers On A Snapchat Story Mean?

how to check who watched a Snapchat Story

Once a Snapchat user posts a story, a number appears beneath it. That number indicates how many views a story has, and is a useful metric for users who want to keep track of engagement. To view the numbers, tap the profile icon, tap 'My Story' to view the story, and then swipe up on the screen. Snapchat will display the names of up to 200 friends who have viewed the story. Unfortunately, this is the upper limit. If a story has over 200 views, users will see a number, but not the names of additional viewers.

By swiping up on a story, users will also be able to see which friends took a screenshot. Additionally, if a user has a Snapchat+ subscription, they'll also be able to see how many Snapchatters rewatched their story. This number is indicated next to the eyes emoji. Snapchat explains that the Rewatch Indicator shows how many friends rewatched a story, but doesn't reveal who they are.

More: What Does A Purple Circle Around A Snapchat Story Mean?

Source: Snapchat