A surprising Skyrim Easter egg featuring a space Khajiit has been randomly discovered in No Man’s Sky. And while an idea of a space cat sounds slightly bizarre, it’s not the weirdest life form present in the space exploration game by a long shot.

In No Man’s Sky, players can recruit space whales thanks to new gameplay mechanics introduced in the recent Leviathan update. In exchange for completing a challenging expedition that contains roguelike elements, players can earn their very own leviathan. The creature serves as a biological starship - or, according to developers, an organic frigate. The event is currently available in No Man’s Sky for fans to participate, but as a limited-time offer, and it will wrap up in a few weeks.

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Redditor skandranon_rashkae probably didn’t expect to meet a Skyrim Khajiit lookalike when launching No Man’s Sky and approaching a random Traveler NPC for a conversation. The character was reminiscent of a cat person due to its highly modified cat-shaped head. When the player started a conversation with the NPC, a dialogue line in perfect Elder Scrolls’ Khajiit style appeared. The NPC told the player that "Traveler has wares, if you have units," perfectly mimicking an iconic line from the Khajiit traders in Skyrim. According to the player, the first interaction with the anthropomorphic space cat was rather generic. It was the second time the gamer approached the NPC when the Khajiit-related line appeared in the dialogue. Sadly, the character didn’t offer any Skooma.

While having an Easter egg as a fun piece of content in No Man’s Sky is indisputably entertaining, it’s the actual gameplay content players are most interested in seeing. According to Hello Games, there’s a lot planned for No Man’s Sky in terms of future support. The most recent Leviathan Expedition is just a slice of what’s about to be introduced. Sean Murray claims that with every update, the team comes up with new ideas for future additions, probably hinting at years of never-ending development.

For the almost infinite universe of No Man’s Sky, features like the recently discovered Easter egg are a cute touch that helps the setting feel more alive. Having a laugh because of an unlikely reference to a different video game franchise is priceless in an endless open world. It also indicates that not only has Hello Games massively improved No Man’s Sky with additional content over time, but also filled the space exploration game with neat little details. The latest discovery might even encourage players to go on an Easter egg hunt across the galaxy.

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Source: skandranon_rashkae/Reddit