The Marvel Cinematic Universe has a vast array of cosmic stories to explore, but few have histories as compelling as the alien Skrulls. With Marvel's Secret Invasion set to arrive sometime in the next year, many fans are curious to see what direction the studio is planning to take with the series.

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Will the Skrulls be villains? Heroes? Or something in between? Thankfully, the comic version of the Skrulls could provide some clues to determine how the series will portray these aliens. By studying their history and their culture, fans may be able to determine their future.

Three Types of Skrulls

Skrulls posing as heroes, standing and filling space

Originally a single alien race, the Skrulls were split into three groups by the Celestials. These groups, called Baseline, Deviant, and Eternal weren't named for their connection to the Marvel Eternals team. Instead, the Baseline Skrulls were a race with no special powers, but who instead had the ability to evolve. The Eternals had superpowers and incredibly long lifespans. The Deviants were given shapeshifting abilities. After a long civil war, these Deviants became the only Skrull survivors and summarily repopulated the species.

The Skrulls that fans see today are the Deviant Skrulls, and their history could provide a look into what might happen in Secret Invasion. If the Skrulls believe that humanity is to be split the same way they were, they may look to prevent that same type of cataclysmic cosmic event from happening to humanity in the MCU.

Super-Skrull Program

Marvel's Kl'rt the Super Skrull, his head aflame and with a fist made of rock striking someone in Marvel comics

The strongest soldiers that the Skrulls have to offer, the Super-Skrulls are exceptionally trained warriors given superpowers that mimic some of the galaxy's greatest heroes. One Super-Skrull, Kl'rt, was even given the powers of each member of the Fantastic Four.

The Super-Skrull program provides a logistical challenge for heroes, who may be forced to face off against villains who have the same power as them. This means heroes may have to battle Super-Skrulls possessing the powers of the strongest Avengers in the MCU like the Scarlet Witch, Captain America, or even Carol Danvers.

Mutant Skrulls

A pointy-toothed Marvel Skrull on the attack

Banded together by their connection to Charles Xavier, this merry band of mutant misfits gathered together to protect a world that hates and fears them. No, they aren't the X-Men. This is a team of mutant Skrulls called Cadre X. Much like their human counterparts, this team possesses an extraordinary gene that provides them with non-typical powers that led to their vilification by the Skrull empire.

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While it's unlikely that the mutant Skrulls will appear in Secret Invasion, it is possible that the connection the X-Men have with Cadre X could lead to team-ups between future MCU X-Men teams and the Skrulls. It may even be how the X-Men join the MCU.

Incredibly Advanced Tech

Marvel Skrulls dressed as heroes, readying for a fight in Marvel comics

An MCU alien species with vast galactic influence, the Skrulls are a dangerous threat even setting their shapeshifting aside. The species has a considerable amount of gigantic ships, control over entire solar systems, and even possesses the power to terraform the moon.

In Secret Invasion, expect to see invading Skrulls using advanced technology that even S.H.I.E.L.D. has yet to encounter, and expect to see it taken to extremes. In fact, given their capabilities with quantum weaponry, they may even contest Ant-Man.

Human-Skrull Dating

An armada of Skrulls behind Nick Fury and next to Talos

Skrulls aren't afraid to shy away from romantic relationships with humans. In one of the strangest relationships in Marvel Comics, the Skrull Lyja posed as the human Alicia Masters and actually found herself engaged to — and marrying — the Fantastic Four's Johnny Storm.

Though Johnny wasn't aware that he was dating a Skrull, Lyja fell in love and eventually gave her life to save him from an attacking Super-Skrull. It's possible that, given the premise of a secret invasion, there may be many Skrulls living on Earth and living happy lives alongside human spouses. Really, fans shouldn't be surprised to see entire family units comprised of humans and Skrulls.

Kree-Skrull War Origins

An army of Marvel Skrulls flying with wings and guns

The highly advanced Skrulls attempted to determine which of two species was worthy. After giving both races futuristic technology, they discovered that the plant-based race — the Cotati — managed to create a beautiful garden on Earth's moon. The other — the Kree — created a city. The Skrulls determined that the garden was more impressive, and the enraged Kree stole their ship and used it to develop better technologies of their own, launching the Kree-Skrull War.

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While this origin is considerably different from what the MCU presents, it might provide some hint as to what might be coming in Secret Invasion. This event shows the priorities of the Skrulls, showcasing their love of nature and their desire to give technology to less developed species that may be in need of aid. It also demonstrates their intellectual prowess and shows that they may intend to test humanity in a similar way.

The Knights of the Infinite

Marvel's Knights of the Infinite standing and posing

A group of Kree-Skrull hybrids, these soldiers gathered with the express interest of bringing peace between their people. They were given a magical sword that could help them find the perfect hybrid to bring together the two armies.

Given that the Knights appear threatening at first glance, the Knights of the Infinite might initially appear as MCU villains before becoming heroes and allies of the Avengers in a classic superhero misunderstanding. But the Knights believe profoundly in peace, and should they appear in Secret Invasion, it will be in the hopes of ensuring the end to the Kree-Skrull War.

Can Destroy Stars

An MCU Skrull pointing with a gun

Tying back to their advanced technologies, should their invasion fail, the Skrull have a fall-back that may wreak havoc on the heroes of the MCU. Recently, the Skrulls have revealed a weapon with the ability to destroy entire stars.

Should something go wrong in their invasion of Earth, the entire Milky Way galaxy may end up losing its sun if the Skrulls get desperate enough. While it would likely be one of the worst villain schemes in the MCU, as many Skrulls would likely suffer in the aftermath as well, it's not impossible that the Skrulls could get desperate. After all, if the Skrulls feel their species is at stake, it might be necessary to at least threaten it.

Skrull Cows

Marvel Skrull Cows having a conversation and debating leaving a barn, before being attacked

Given the shapeshifting abilities of the Skrulls, it's certainly possible that any MCU characters could potentially be Skrulls. That even includes cows. In Marvel Comics, there is a surprisingly long history of Skrulls turning into cows and living out their days. On a few occasions, the Skrulls have disguised themselves as cattle before revealing their true identities in a surprise attack.

Because of this somewhat strange habit, it's possible that there may be an Easter egg in Secret Invasions portraying Skrulls hiding in a cattle ranch or even turning into a bull mid-battle. If it happens, comic fans will almost certainly be delighted by the reference.

Made Peace Under Emperor Hulkling

Marvel's Hulkling wielding a sword

Recently, the long-running Kree-Skrull War came to an abrupt end, as a Kree-Skrull hybrid brought the two warring stars together. Hulkling, one of the Young Avengers, became the Emperor of the Kree-Skrull Alliance and immediately began a war against the attacking Cotati.

In the MCU, it is possible that Hulkling will be introduced as a figure already attempting to bring the Alliance together. If not, the audience may see the character introduced alongside the Young Avengers, before eventually being called to take his place at the helm of his galactic armies.

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