Robyn Brown is Kody Brown's fourth wife, and many Sister Wives fans have a theory that she likes being the favorite but would not like being his only wife. She may be Kody's favorite wife, but she has become the fans' least favorite on Sister Wives since first appearing on the show in 2010. Here are all the reasons why Robyn needs the other wives and why she does not want to be his only wife..

Many Sister Wives fans, and even Kody's own children, have pointed out that he shows favoritism towards Robyn, even going so far as to call the two "soulmates." Kody even divorced his first wife, Meri Brown, though he remained spiritually married to her, so he could legally marry Robyn and adopt her kids. Kody was willing to move the entire family from Las Vegas to Flagstaff so she could be closer to her son going to college. He spent the most time with her on Sister Wives season 16 when the family had to separate during the pandemic. Kody also revealed that he currently only has an intimate relationship with her, leading his third wife, Christine Brown, to eventually leave him by the end of the season.

Related: Sister Wives: Why Fans Think Robyn Made Christine's Exit About Herself

Despite always getting special attention from Kody and insisting the wives are equal, Robyn often seems unhappy with her role in the family. She even vented to Meri about feeling like the "Brown family scapegoat," getting blamed whenever things go wrong in the family. Robyn is also known for being the wife likeliest to burst into tears, as she showed during the Sister Wives season 16 Tell-All when she cried just thinking about how Christine left Kody. Robyn always insists that she loves being a sister wife for the sisterhood, and she would likely not enjoy being Kody's only wife. Many Sister Wives fans feel that Robyn enjoys playing the victim and puts on an act for the cameras. She may purposefully be fanning the flames and inciting jealousy in the other wives while also claiming to be innocent on the show.

Side by side images of Kody Brown and his wives from Sister Wives

Being the favorite can only be the case if there are other Brown wives in the mix to compare their relationship to. If Robyn and Kody were in a monogamous relationship, the fact that they had an intimate relationship would be expected, but the fact that she and Kody are the only ones to have an intimate relationship out of the four wives does make for quite the storyline. Other Sister Wives fans felt that Robyn keeps Kody's attention by being his latest wife, and if she becomes the only wife, she will not be enough for him and he will start looking to "court" others. Reddit users have sounded off about her, with r/AAngile saying "I agree that without any other wives, she would no longer be the 'favorite' but just a 'wife.'" Other fans agreed, and r/Elidih111 said "I don't think she wants to be the only wife. She wants to be the only wife he loves."

Robyn has an advantage over the other women by being the newest wife on Sister Wives. She agrees with everything Kody says, leading fans to believe she enjoys being competitive with the other women. Robyn may like that she can hold something over the other wives.

Next: Sister Wives: All The Times When Robyn Brown Played The Victim

Source: RedditAAngile/Reddit, Elidih111/Reddit