The Cottage Living expansion of The Sims 4 added the ability to run errands for the villagers of the pack's new world, Henford-on-Bagley. By completing errands Sims can build their relationships with the villagers, receive interesting rewards, and experience the cottage lifestyle like a true Henford-on-Bagley local. Any Sim, aged teen through elder, can help with errands for these NPCs, and they can accept up to three at a time.

Cottage Living's quaint village of Henford-on-Bagley has its own set of roles for its villagers. At the start of the game, they'll all be premade Sims already living in the area. Should these Sims pass on, join a different household, or simply move away, new villagers will take their place. To find out exactly which NPCs can give errands, check the sign near the pub in the Finchwick neighborhood. This is a quick and easy way to determine who Sims can ask to help with errands.

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Overall, there are six types of villagers who can give out errands: at least one garden shop owner, a grocery shop owner, a grocery deliverer, a pub owner, a creature keeper, and the Mayor of Finchwick. No matter which Sims fill these roles, the player will always see the "Offer Help With Errands..." interaction in their dialogue wheel. Some of them can also be found easily at their place of work, such as the owner of The Gnome's Arms pub or the grocer's stall selling new ingredients included with Cottage Living.

How to Help Villagers with Errands in Cottage Living

The "Offer Help With Errands..." choice is in the Friendly section of the interaction wheel in Sims 4. To see what errands that villager can offer, simply click that interaction, and a pop-up will appear. Each errand will have a name, description, and list of rewards. More complex errands offer more Simoleons and special items specific to Cottage Living, while simpler tasks have smaller rewards. Once a Sim accepts an errand, it will appear in their career tab. The steps required for a given errand will appear there as well, similar to how tasks are listed for Freelancers or Sims working from home.

Sometimes a Cottage Living errand will have a follow-up task, such as reporting back to the villager with new information or items. If part of an errand is confusing at all, hovering over it in the career tab usually provides a hint or explanation for the player. Sometimes, this even explains where items might be or what skills a Sim needs to complete a task.

Each villager will have their own unique, non-repeatable errands, but other tasks are more generic errands that cycle through all the NPCs. These general errands are often things like growing an oversized crop, delivering an item to someone, or simply catching up with other locals. If a Sim asks an NPC to help with errands and there are none listed, just wait a while and come back to ask again. Eventually, they'll have a new task for players to tackle.

NEXT: Sims 4: Cottage Living's Best New Create-A-Sim Items

The Sims 4 Cottage Living is available on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.