In the captivating Apple TV show Silo, residents of a dystopian world adhere to a community pact, but two rules, in particular, stand out as the most mysterious. The Silo's residents reside in an underground safe haven that runs 144 stories, which shields them from the toxic external environment. The community has a Pact that is intended to guide society. The Silo residents must follow the rules of The Pact or risk being sent out to "clean," a punishment from which no one returns.

After the former sheriff goes out to clean, it is revealed that he nominated Juliette Nichols (Rebecca Ferguson), from the down deep, to assume the position of sheriff. Juliette was continuously met with opposition from the governing officials of the Silo, as she adjusted to the position and worked to unravel the Silo's secrets. In episode 5, Juliette met with her mentor, Martha Walker (Harriet Walter), where Martha revealed the two rules in The Pact that she found most mysterious.

Silo's No Mechanized Forms Of Transportation

The stairs of the Silo: Silo 

The first rule in The Pact Martha found mysterious pertained to the inability to have mechanized transportation within the Silo. The underground city spans 144 levels, which makes travel from the bottom to the top a taxing task. The majority of Silo's residents remain within the level they were raised on as the people work jobs that they had shadowed since they were young. The only individuals that move up and down the Silo are Porters responsible for delivering supplies and messages across different levels.

By The Pact having stated there can be no mechanized forms of transportation, it ensures that travel between levels is made difficult for most residents in the Silo. Sandy, who worked for the sheriff's office, said to Juliette, "I have no idea what you people eat down deep." This statement highlighted the segregation among Silo's levels and showed that a class system was inherently in place. It is evident that this rule serves as a means to control the residents of the Silo, as it limits social interaction between the levels and creates a hierarchical structure that promotes social division.

Silo's No Magnification Beyond A Certain Power

David Oyelowo as Sheriff Holston talking to Rebecca Ferguson's Juliette in Silo

The other mysterious rule Martha brought up was the prohibited use of magnification beyond a certain power. Within the Silo, outdated technology and a lack of historical records hindered the resident's access to information. This rule in the Pact quells the scientific advancement of society, which keeps the people from gaining a greater understanding. By limiting the use of magnification, society was denied the resources to expand their knowledge and the opportunity to spread it through the city, ultimately stunting the intellectual growth of the community.

These rules within the TV show Silo serve a clear purpose: to keep its people ignorant and obedient. The Pact is a tool used by the authorities of the Silo to maintain a structured social order, as they hinder communication and stagnate scientific advancement between the different levels. This results in an unchallenged hierarchy and a stagnant societal structure, as these two rules ensure that the lives of the people in Silo remain unchanged.