Despite their years-long rivalry, Black Adam and Shazam are actually closer than most of their fans realize. Justice League #19 reminds fans that the two Champions have a bond that gives them something they both desperately need.

Despite coming from different circumstances and periods of time, Billy Batson and Teth-Adam share one thing in common: they were both blessed with the powers of an ancient wizard. Shazam of the Rock of Eternity chose both men based off of their presumed pure hearts. However, while Billy Batson used his powers to become the hero Shazam, Teth-Adam became Black Adam and used his powers in a much more controversial manner. Their similar origins have brought Shazam and Black Adam into conflict time and time again. In Black Adam's eyes, Billy is an unworthy possessor of the Wizard's power and to Billy, Black Adam is a bully with way too much power.

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However, while the two might not see eye-to-eye, they actually have a pretty close bond thanks to their shared origin. The backup story "Shazam Chapter 11" by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank in Justice League #19 sees Billy and his foster siblings getting on the same subway car that the wizard Shazam used to bring Billy to the Rock of Eternity. However, the kids are having trouble finding a way to the secret realm. That is until Francesca, a magical being that resides in mirrors, reminds Billy that he needs to use his magic word. However, Billy knows that if he says the word, he will transform and Black Adam will be able to find him. Francesca tells Billy that the two draw their powers from the same source and have a bond because of it. In other words, they are family.

Why It Matters That Black Adam and Shazam Are Family

Shazam Black Adam Billy Batson Family DC Comics

While Billy and Adam have issues with each other, each champion of Shazam has their own group of allies they formed close bonds with. Billy shared his power with his siblings to create the Shazam Family, and Black Adam has Adriana Tomaz, aka Isis, and her brother, Amon, aka Osiris. Black Adam has also shared his magic with one of his modern-day descendants Malik White. Both Billy and Adam have recognized the value in family, meaning that there may be a path for them to forge a peaceful bond.

Family is possibly the most important theme of the Shazam franchise. And if one thing has been made clear by the existence of the Shazam Family, it’s that the magic powers granted by the Wizard work even better when working in sync. Billy Batson is young, and Black Adam is a proud man, but inside, both of them recognize the strength and value of family. If the two of them could put aside their differences and accept their role as family with one another, they could conceivably become one of the most powerful duos in the DC Universe. It might not happen soon, but Shazam and Black Adam may want to discuss their familial bonds some day.

Next: Black Adam Shows How DC's Gods Are the Complete Opposite of Marvel's