Okay, the odds are pretty good that you've already heard the news: Leigh Bardugo's Grishaverse series is getting the Netflix treatment. Shadow and Bone is the official name of the eight-episode series. However, the series is going to break the usual rules for adaptations. For one thing, the first season is going to merge several books together — even though the books are set a couple of years apart.

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Naturally, this has fans both excited and worried. There are certain things we can't help but find ourselves really hoping to see. And there are some things we're hoping that the series will avoid. Any novel fan who's seen a horrible adaptation likely knows exactly what we're concerned about here. Can you blame us?

Here is Shadow & Bone: 5 Things We Want from Netflix (& 5 We Don't).

Want: All Our Favorite Characters

Obviously, the biggest concern in any adaptation like this is that we want to see all of our favorites make an appearance. Since the series will be mashing several books together, we can't assume all characters would make it in the final cut.

Thanks to the relatively recent casting announcement, we already have a good idea of which beloved characters are going to be making it into the series — and we have an idea of what they're going to look like too.

Don't Want: A Soap Opera Feeling

We've all seen it happen: our favorite book series being adapted and morphed into something completely different. For some reason, television adaptations in particular are especially vulnerable to a very specific treatment, which is turning the show into something all about drama, much like a soap opera.

Shadow and Bone is based on several epic and intense novels. It deserves so much more than being slimmed down into something it isn't. We're crossing our fingers that something like this doesn't occur.

Want: A Brilliant Example of Grishas

by Jo Painter

Grisha is the term for the magical beings within Leigh Bardugo's Grishaverse. There are hundreds of different types of magic that can be used; we've seen many examples within the pages of her series. We're really hoping that most, if not all, of this magic makes it into the television series. Seeing those magics come to life would be something amazing to behold.

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Of course, the variety of Grishas help to fill out the world, adding complexity and uniqueness among all of the characters. That's before taking into account some of the most iconic characters of the series — you know exactly who we're talking about.

Don't Want: A Change In Direction

As mentioned, sometimes an adaptation takes a completely different take on a series. This could mean focusing on a secondary plot, or entirely dropping plots vital to the main series. We're hoping that the Netflix adaptation is respectful to the world that Leigh Bardugo has built.

That means we're hoping that the series doesn't decide to include their own ideas or plots. No offense meant — we just want to see the series that we fell so deeply in love with. That doesn't seem too much to ask, does it?

Want: Leigh Bardugo's Series Blends Together With Forethought and Finesse

Shadow and Bone is combining several different plots and elements from Leigh Bardugo's Grishaverse series. This isn't something that's often been done before, so we're not really sure what to expect.

We're hoping that these novels are blended together to include all of the core elements of the series, and in general, be carefully thought-out and planned. We want a series that is adapted with finesse.

Don't Want: Rushed Introductions and Plots

Sometimes an adaptation has to cut corners. We get it.  There's only so much time, thus not everything can be paced the same way as the books. But there's a right way and a wrong way to cut corners.

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Rushing the introduction and character development side of things is not the way to go. We want to feel emotionally connected to this series, after all. Even though readers are likely going to feel that connection, new viewers might not if they rush things too much.

Want: Ravka

Ravka is the country in which most of the series is based. It sounds both beautiful and horrifying. Ravka is full of fascinating people, landmarks, and cities. Reading between the lines, you can see a lot of influence from the real world (certain locations in particular) in this country.

Honestly? We're desperately hoping to get a solid view of Ravka. We hope that the landscapes shown live up to what we're seeing in our minds; that the castle is as ornate as we thought, and the towns match our mind's eye as well.

Don't Want: A Simplified World

Shadow And Bone Leigh Bardugo Grishaverse

The world in which the Grishaverse is set in is wonderfully complex. There are nations and people all with their own agendas. There are distinct groups of people and characters, all interacting with one another.

The complexity of this world is important to us fans, and we're hoping that the adaptation does it justice. Many adaptations cut corners on the worldbuilding in order to save on budget and time. We're really hoping that this doesn't happen here.

Want: A Chance For More

So far, Shadow and Bone is only going to be a total of eight episodes. While we're not complaining...we also wouldn't say no to more. As such, we're hoping that the series/season ends in a way that allows for it to continue on later.

Since Leigh Bardugo is still actively writing in this world, that doesn't seem like we're asking for too much. There is still so much more they could so. The Grishaverse is way too complex for every plot to have been covered within those eight episodes. Cross your fingers we'll get more.

Don't Want: Secondary Characters Getting Cut from the Series

Sometimes when books get adapted into a movie or TV series, a lot of secondary and tertiary characters get cut from the mix. We understand that sometimes it just has to happen. Timing doesn't allow for everyone to be included.

But we're also hoping that most of the secondary characters make it into this adaptation. At the very least, the ones who are important to the main events or characters we've become attached to over time.

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