The 13 volume series of popular young adult novels that comprise A Series of Unfortunate Events has been adapted for the big screen before, but now it's headed to the world of Netflix original programs. The literary series for juveniles, written by novelist Daniel Handler (under the pseudonym Lemony Snicket), gave rise to a single movie in 2004, thus marking the planned Netflix TV series as the first adaptation of Handler/Snicket's fiction since the serialized publication concluded in 2006.

The Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events movie wasn't a sufficiently-sized commercial success to get a sequel, so the forthcoming Netflix project may mark the first time all 13 source novels are adapted. At the very least, the series may satisfy fans' appetites for melancholy and woe faithfully, especially if the series takes the lead from the above fan-made trailer.

The planned A Series of Unfortunate Events Netflix series has yet to be titled, and its cast and crew are still being sought out. The items featured in the cluttered apartment depicted in this fan teaser (which Huffpo has confirmed is not an official teaser) has already inspired fan adulation and debate, when it comes to the inclusion of minute and exact detail and reference. The fan made teaser, which features the studio recording of the balladic Dresden Dolls' song "Missed Me", will appeal to those hoping for an appropriately melancholic Netflix series adaptation.

A Series of Unfortunate Events fan trailer

Once the cast and crew is announced, and the script is put in place, this new series from Netflix has the potential to offer a depiction of the Baudelaire Orphans in keeping with Handler/Snicket's dour tone. If handled well, it could erase any reminder of Jim Carrey's more comically manic manner in the film adaptation.

Based on Netflix's relatively new, successful courtship in the production of original TV series (see Orange is the New Black and Daredevil), there is reason to believe that A Series of Unfortunate Events has finally found a home where Daniel Handler's prose may find the life it deserves (and a sizable audience to boot). Here's to hoping Netflix can find a more appropriate avenue into the world so brilliantly established by Lemony Snicket.

A Series of Unfortunate Events is expected to become available to stream on Netflix in 2016.