Jasmin Savoy Brown hopes to explore more of Mindy Meeks-Martin's life outside of Ghostface in Scream 7. In Scream (2022), Mindy was introduced as the horror aficionado, stepping into the role her uncle Randy once held. Scream VI showed a bit more of her life outside the Ghostface murders as a college student with Tara Carpenter and her twin brother Chad Meeks-Martin with a girlfriend. However, she has primarily filled the role of self-aware horror expert within the core four.

During an interview with Screen Rant to promote Scream VI's digital and home release, Brown revealed that she wants to explore Mindy's life beyond Ghostface. She discussed Sam Carpenter's storyline in Scream VI, including her therapy session and her new love interest, Danny. Brown explained that she'd like to see elements of Mindy's life explored similarly. Check out Brown's full quote and interview below:

Jasmin Savoy Brown: I would like to see more of her outside of the Scream environment, meaning we got to see Sam at her therapist's office. We got to see her with Danny and being in love. We aren't just seeing her running from Ghostface; talking about Ghostface.

I personally would love to see a bit more of Mindy outside, even if she's talking about the stuff, the same way Sam was talking about Ghostface with these people. It was other pieces of her, her in other environments. I would like to see who Mindy is alone with Anika, or in a film studies class, or maybe she's making and directing a short film. That would be hilarious to see her in other environments.

Exploring How Mindy Copes With The Ghostface Murders In Scream 7

Mindy and Kirby in Scream 6

Mindy was stabbed, lost her girlfriend, and nearly lost her twin brother in Scream VI. Scream 7, which is yet to be announced, could delve into how she is coping with these traumas. Being targeted twice by killers who pretended to be friends will undoubtedly have an impact on her ability to trust. Mindy could also be struggling with feelings of guilt due to Anika's death, especially because she pointed out that she could be a suspect and Anika saved her life.

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Exploring all the core four's lives outside of Ghostface can show a different side of them and how coping with trauma comes out differently. Sam becomes hyper-vigilant and protective, leading to Scream VI, while Tara tries to ignore her trauma. Brown's suggestion of Mindy directing a short film could be a way to show how she expresses herself through her art and how her love of movies and horror outside the core four influences her life.

Each of the core four have grown over the course of Scream (2022) and Scream VI. Scream 7 could be an opportunity to show continued growth, how they have changed since the attacks, and how they are attempting to heal. Digging into their lives outside the attacks can also show how they interact with people outside the core four and how their bond has evolved over time without the constant fear.