Wanda Maximoff's powers best worked when she was alongside an MCU Avenger, as being with Vision helped the Scarlet Witch gain control of her abilities like no one else could. In What If...? Avengers: Disassembled #1 by Marvel Comics, Quicksilver reveals the truth about what makes his sister's powers reach their best and clearest form, as she effectively gained a power upgrade thanks to Vision acting as a calming voice in her life.

In the comics, Vision and Scarlet Witch have one of Marvel's most iconic romances, despite the Avengers having drastically different backgrounds and existences. Scarlet Witch is one of the most powerful mutants in the Marvel Universe. She started as a villain alongside her father Magneto before joining Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Wanda Maximoff has incredible magic powers capable of changing reality itself, which have often caused her to lose control. Meanwhile, Vision is an android created by Ultron who would join the Avengers and become one of its most important heroes - despite not being human. Vision and Scarlet Witch's unique histories made them a surprisingly great couple who have been paired together for more than 50 years in the pages of Marvel Comics.

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In What If...? Avengers: Disassembled #1 by Jeff Parker, Aaron Lopresti, Matt Ryan, Terry Pallot, Chris Sotomayor, and Rus Wooton from Marvel Comics, the comic imagined what if Scarlet Witch didn't act alone when she lost control during the original Earth-616 event. In the story, Quicksilver explains to the Avengers that Vision acts as a power upgrade that brings out the best in her powers, as he allows her to focus as his machine mind "gave her incredibly clarity." As a result, Scarlet Witch's most in-control form occurred alongside her android partner.

Vision Brought Balance To Scarlet Witch's Life

Scarlet Witch Powers Marvel Comics

Vision and his logical and analytical nature brought the perfect balance to Scarlet Witch's own incredible powers, as it helped ground her and reach her full potential. Ultimately, Vision simply being with Wanda Maximoff ended up serving as a power upgrade for Scarlet Witch, as her abilities and focus were at their best alongside her fellow MCU Avenger.

Readers of Marvel Comics and fans of the MCU have seen what happens with Scarlet Witch when Vision is taken from her - as she's lost control numerous times after the Avenger has disappeared from her life. However, Vision's presence ultimately has a much more significant impact than you might think; as the comic explains her powers are at their most clear with her fellow hero by her side. In the end, Vision's love makes Scarlet Witch's powers stronger and more focused.

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