Screen Rant

  • Will Deadpool join the MCU soon? It seems like Ryan Reynolds is teasing the possibility. 1 / 7

  • The actor recently teased attending a meeting with Marvel Studios on Twitter. 2 / 7

  • "Auditioned for the role of “Anthony Stark”. Didn’t come even remotely close, but the nice man with the 3 / 7

    deadpool 2016 ryan reynolds TLDR vertical
  • taser escorted me to the ground." Said Reynolds in his Tweet caption. 4 / 7

    6 Underground Ryan Reynolds vertical
  • Disney and Marvel Studios execs have said before that Deadpool will likely remain Rated-R. 5 / 7

    deadpool 2 stereo TLDR vertical
  • What isn't clear is whether he'll eventually interact with the mainline MCU. 6 / 7

    deadpool 2016 poster TLDR vertical
  • Hopefully they at least won't sew his mouth shut again. 7 / 7

    deadpool xmen origins TLDR vertical