With a multiverse full of Mortys, here's what it takes to be the Mortiest Morty on Rick and Morty. The animated comedy created by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon has developed a large fan base through three seasons. Following Rick Sanchez and his grandson Morty Smith on their various adventures, Rick and Morty teased the unlimited possible combinations and variations of them near the end of season 1.

Rick and Morty primarily follows the characters from reality C-137, but there is an entire spectrum of both. Because of the possibilities of the multiverse, the range of Ricks and Mortys is bookended with the Rickest Rick and the Mortiest Rick, as well as the Rickest Morty and the Mortiest Morty. The series has shown Evil Morty as an equivalent to the Rickest Morty and Doofus Rick as the Mortiest Rick.

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During the season 1 episode "Close Rickcounters of the Rick Kind," Rick and Morty from C-137 visit the Citadel of Ricks. This episode introduces Evil Morty, Doofus Rick, and many other Ricks and Mortys, but it also reveals who is the Mortiest Morty. At the end of the episode, Rick proclaims that C-137 Morty is the Mortiest Morty. If this is true, then why is C-137 Morty the Mortiest version of himself? Let's explore what it takes to hold this title, and you can watch the latest Screen Rant video to see 25 different versions of Morty.

At his core, Morty is an empathetic and good-natured person. He is not the brightest kid at all times but has shown flashes of an underlying intelligence. However, Morty is not very decisive - unless he absolutely needs to be - and is rather easily manipulated as a result. This is why he also views himself as an idiot, because that is what he's repeatedly been told that he is. He doesn't have much confidence either in any area of life. But Morty also has anger buried in him that will come out on occasion when he doesn't repress his emotions, often manifesting in very dark and violent ways.

With an entire multiverse of Mortys out there, Rick and Morty has only scratched the surface of all the different versions of Morty that do exist. But since Rick and has proclaimed that his Morty from C-137, we tend to believe him. If Doofus Rick is the Mortiest Rick, then the Mortiest Morty should reflect many of his similar characteristics. From everything Rick and Morty has shown us from C-137 Morty, it lines up for him to the Mortiest Morty. After all, it'd make him the best version of the character to be the protagonist of the series.

MORE: Theory: Doofus Rick Is Evil Morty's Original Rick