As Leon infiltrates the rural Spanish town in hopes of rescuing a kidnapped Ashley in the Resident Evil 4 remake, he'll find himself far from alone on his journey, encountering several bosses of varying difficulties that will attempt to slow him down. Story-wise, the protagonist and the president's daughter always end up on top, but things may not be so straightforward for the player, who will have to survive all of these enemies' tricks, defenses, and attacks in order to proceed. With each having a unique move set, the RE4 remake's bosses range from easy to difficult.

The original RE4's bosses received major visual makeovers upon their revival in Capcom's latest remake, but the nature of said boss fights, however, has remained more or less the same. Players who indulged in the scares of the predecessor will likely begin to recognize these similar attack patterns as they progress through the game and attempt to get the highest rank. The same cannot be said for U-3, who was removed from the remake entirely. For better or for worse, players won't have to worry about the massive insect, instead battling the Resident Evil 4 remake's hardest and easiest bosses.

Related: Resident Evil 4 Remake's 10 Biggest Changes

11 El Gigante (Armored)

The armored El Gigante looking down at Leon hungrily in the RE4 remake.

Although the Armored El Gigante looks quite intimidating with its chain mail and unsettling mask, it's actually the easiest boss in the RE4 remake. This massive beast will hurl chunks of stone at Leon, roaring its heart out, but it's ultimately no match for the conveniently-placed, fully functional cannon that the protagonist can use to take him out. As long as players have careful aim and are able to dodge the flying debris, the only scary part about fighting the Armored El Gigante will be his brief, unexpected return as Leon enters the next area.

10 El Gigante

Resident Evil 4 Remake El Gigante Boss of Chapter 4 in Story Close to Quarry Section

Counterintuitively, beating El Gigante in the Resident Evil 4 remake will require a bit more effort than the Armored counterpart does. Since Leon doesn't have a cannon to use, he'll have to make do with his own, comparatively small weapons. But if he saves the trapped dog near the Village Chief's Manor prior to engaging in this boss fight, the lovable pup will also come to his aid, nipping at the monster's feet. Apart from this, killing El Gigante doesn't require any skill or special maneuvers - only a large output of bullets, as his sizable health pool is the only difficult part about him.

9 Twin Gigantes

Twin Gigantes stomping towards the camera in the RE4 remake.

Two heads are better than one, and the Twin Gigantes are no exception. This RE4 remake boss fight sees both aforementioned entries come back to corner Leon, but since he also has Luis at his side, players can defeat these monstrosities with relative ease. Luis will distract one as Leon attacks the other, eventually landing them in an advantageous 2v1 scenario against the Armored El Gigante.

They'll significantly weaken it with a stick of dynamite, which opens up the opportunity for Leon to deliver the finishing blow. There's even the failsafe of dropping the Armored El Gigante into the lava below the floor using a hatch.

8 Bitores Méndez

RE4 Remake's Mendez in his monster form walking towards Leon.

The Resident Evil 4 remake made the scariest monster even more terrifying, and at first glance, Bitores Méndez looks like he's on par with this sentiment. However, after discovering that he's one of the least difficult bosses, players may no longer feel as threatened by the strong, large-framed man. As long as players are able to maintain the high ground and evade attacks during Méndez's fight in the RE4 remake, the village chief won't pose too much of a threat. He'll go down relatively quickly, provided Leon shoots the explosive barrels before Méndez has the chance to throw them.

7 Del Lago

Del Lago opening its mouth and diving towards Leon on the Lake in the RE4 remake.

Del Lago plays a similar tune to Méndez, as the main trouble players will face with the lake-dwelling beast is avoiding obstacles in their path. As Leon's boat is haphazardly dragged through the waves, he'll need to keep his eyes peeled for rocks jutting out of the water and maneuver around them to avoid taking damage; this can sometimes prove difficult due to lackluster boat handling in the RE4 remake. Players won't be allowed to heal during this fight, so they'll need to maximize the accuracy of their harpoons and their steering skills alike to beat Del Lago.

6 Jack Krauser (Human)

A close-up of Krauser in Resident Evil 4's remake, with a grapevine scar over one eye and wearing a red beret.

The Resident Evil 4 remake has delved into the backtsories of previously underdeveloped characters, including that of Leon's former military partner, Jack Krauser. Despite getting a deeper, more personal glimpse into the Army Major's motivations and actions, Krauser is no less cold towards the protagonist during their initial encounter. The two will engage in a close-quarters knife fight, which will require consistent, well-timed parries from the player. Plus, they'll be out of luck if their Combat Knife is out of durability, which gives this engagement the potential to be one of the hardest boss fights in the RE4 remake.

Related: 7 Worst Ways To Die In Resident Evil 4 Remake

5 Osmund Saddler

Screenshot from the Resident Evil 4 remake showing protagonist Leon Kennedy facing down the game's final boss, a monster that mutated from Saddler, the game's antagonist and creator of the Las Plagas parasite.

Although he's the mastermind behind Los Iluminados, and by extension, the entire population of Plaga-infected Ganados, Osmund Saddler isn't as tough as he's made out to be. Indeed, his ultimate form is grotesque, and his voice lines are rather unsettling, but with a bit of patience, quick reaction times, and a relentless storm of bullets straight into his eyeballs, the cult leader will have disintegrated into bits by the end of the boss fight. Especially if players have been saving up precious ammo and upgrading their weapons efficiently, defeating Saddler in the RE4 remake is far from impossible.

4 Ramón Salazar

Ramon Salazar in his monster form in the RE4 remake.

Things start getting a bit trickier when approaching Ramón Salazar. The Salazar Castle inhabitant makes for a rather infuriating opponent, as he takes up a lot of space on the map with his strange explosive sacs and periodic spitting attacks. As if that wasn't enough, Salazar also has the ability to insta-kill Leon if he's caught off guard, tossing him into his mouth like a handful of popcorn. Thus, players will need to be constantly moving, but also constantly shooting, in order to kill Salazar in one of the harder boss fights in the Resident Evil 4 remake.

3 Twin Garradors

The Twin Garradors standing on a marble staircase in the Salazar Castle in the RE4 remake.

Although the Twin Garradors aren't technically RE4 remake bosses, they should certainly be approached as such, because they are some of the most challenging enemies to deal with in the entire game. For these clawed beasts, blindness isn't an issue; they use their hearing to locate and charge Leon if he makes so much a single noise.

Since there are plenty of Los Iluminados to be found in the area, this predicament is tricky to navigate. The only feasible way to defeat the Twin Garradors is to trick them into attacking cultists or use the bells scattered around the area, but it's a time-consuming process that can quickly become for naught if players are caught red-handed.

2 Verdugo

The Verdugo in the RE4 remake lunging at the camera in a dimly-lit room of the castle.

Defeating Verdugo in the RE4 remake is possible, but most players will be painfully bewildered during their first few tussles with Salazar's personal bodyguard. With a flurry of fast and surprisingly powerful attacks, this tailed creature is one that will require pulling out all the stops for (literally). The only way to kill Verdugo is to temporarily freeze it, and then to spam it with as many bullets and grenades as humanly possible. Since he's constantly stalking Leon, waiting to pounce, players will need to get the timing exactly right, and they'll need to own some seriously powerful armaments too.

1 Jack Krauser (Transformed)

Krauser crushing Leon's head with La Plaga in the RE4 remake.

The hardest boss fight in the RE4 remake is Krauser's mutated form. The protagonist's old friend takes his prior defeat quite personally, as he opts to unleash his true form onto Leon during their final encounter.

A large, claw-like arm and years of military training make for a potent combo; players will need to match Krauser's lighting-fast speed to evade his constant stream of unpredictable and oft fatal attacks (like grabbing and crushing Leon's head, as pictured above), but they'll also need to pump out copious amounts of damage to stagger him for just a moment. He can only be defeated through careful trigger discipline, consistent dodging, and endless patience, as practically every player will need several tries to defeat the Resident Evil 4 remake's hardest boss, mutated Krauser.