The official PlayStation 5 controller design was unveiled yesterday, but fans are already taking it upon themselves to offer a variety of different color options. Information is slowly beginning to get revealed about Sony's newest video game console, and although players don't yet know what it will cost or what it will look like they have been eagerly anticipating the PlayStation 5's release window of Holiday 2020.

Sony has been surprisingly tight-lipped leading up to the release of the PlayStation 5, forcing fans to come up with their own ideas and designs for what the PS5 may look like. After the new PlayStation 5 DualSense controller was revealed, many people were quick to point how how different the design of the new PS5 controller was to the previous iterations of Sony's DualShock devices, with some going as far as to create an all-black PlayStation 5 controller in order to make it feel more familiar. In the twenty four hours since then, fan designs have only gotten more ridiculous and outlandish.

Related: What The PS5 Controller Design Reveals About PlayStation's New Console

As recently accumulated by IGNthere have been a ton of fan PS5 controller color design concepts flying around the internet since the official version's release yesterday, and some of them are pretty cool looking. Check out some of our favorites below, including one from Elca_Gaming on Twitter which looks like the perfect throwback to Sony's earliest video game system and some designs from Reddit user u/dormstreams that take the classic idea of themed controllers to a whole new level:

A search for PS5 controller color variations on any popular social media site will provide a litany of results, proving that Sony is really missing out by only showing fans one two-toned version of their next-gen controller. It appears that fans would very much appreciate the ability to customize their PS5 controllers, evidenced by all the different ideas designers have already come up with, and Sony could make some serious money by taking advantage of this. Offering a variety of color variations for the PS5's controller, much like Apple has previously offered with their iPhone products, could be an extremely intelligent financial option for the company.

Despite the lack of official announcements regarding the future of the PS5's design so far, it's likely they will. Sony has long offered players different versions and variations of console and controller designs, and it's unlikely the upcoming PlayStation 5 will only ever be available in one color. Whether the company goes as in-depth as some of the fan artists above have remains to be seen, but if they deliver anything half as cool as Elca_Gaming or u/dormstreams did then PlayStation 5 players will eventually be in for a treat.

Next: Does PS5's DualSense Controller Earn The Criticism For Looking Like Xbox's?

Sources: IGN, Elca_Gaming/Twitter, badnesco/Reddit, H4WK1NG/Reddit, DormStreams/Reddit