The Princess Diaries movies are some of the most iconic teen movies of the 2000s and can be credited with transforming Anne Hathaway into the A-list star she is today. With star-studded casts, countless heartfelt moments cut with hilarious comedy sequences and solid soundtracks in both films, there's not much more anyone can ask of these interpretations of Meg Cabot's beloved book series.

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That said, there were a lot of creative liberties taken to turn the edgy original teen novels into the magical Disney movies they became. Anyone who read the books will notice the changes in setting, character appearances and, most importantly, the character with whom Mia ends up.

Mia Is A Blonde

Mia and Michael chatting in the street

Although Anne Hathaway played Mia as a beautiful brunette, anyone who read the books will know the character was supposed to have blonde hair. In the first book Mia mentions that her hair grows in a triangular shape (like a yield sign) and is neither curly nor straight, and after Paolo's makeover she sports a pixie cut. Although it would have been interesting to see Mia as a blonde, Anne Hathaway's curly dark locks and bushy eyebrows make for a dramatic and iconic transformation.

Clarisse Is Edgy

Queen Clarisse smiling in The Princess Diaries

Disney completely rehashed the character of Clarisse. Granted, this is probably due partly to her not-so-kid-friendly attributes — she was consistently seen chain-smoking Gitanes and drinking Sidecars — but also so that the regal and elegant Julie Andrews could play her.

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No one could argue that she is not the perfect Queen, but with book Clarisse's tattooed-on eyeliner and shaven eyebrows, it would have been fun to see Andrews playing an edgy grandma.

Mia's Dad Never Dies

Helen Thermopolis talking to Mia in The Princess Diaries

In the books, Mia's dad is alive and well after surviving testicular cancer. He is described as being bald, always wearing a suit and has a lot of girlfriends. As for why Disney decided to kill him off for the movie, the author of The Princess Diaries had some insight. Disney apparently said that because they wanted Julie Andrews to play Clarisse, they wanted to make her role bigger and up the stakes.

Mia Has A Whole Group Of Friends

Lilly smiling during her radio show in The Princess Diaries

Heather Matarazzo was the perfect Lilly in the movies, but book Mia actually has a whole group of diverse friends. They include Shameeka Taylor, a Cheerleader who is often approached by modelling agencies, Ling-Su, an artist, Boris Pelkowski, Lilly's violin-playing boyfriend and Perin, an androgynous and hyper-organised student. Later, Mia befriends both Tina Hakim-Baba, the daughter of an oil sheikh, and J.P. Reynolds-Abernathy.

Mia Has Another Boyfriend After Michael

Michael Moscovitz playing the bass in The Princess Diaries

Book Mia breaks up with Michael in book 8. Shortly after this, she attends a performance of Beauty and the Beast with her school friend J.P. (previously known by herself and her friends as The Guy Who Hates It When They Put Corn In The Chilli) and they start dating. J.P. originally dated Lilly, so this leads to the subsequent breakdown of Lilly and Mia's friendship. J.P is a writer like Mia, but turns out to be manipulative, an anti-feminist and just all-around shady.

Mia Has A Bodyguard

Clarisse and Joe dancing in The Princess Diaries

Hector Elizondo as Joe appears to be a stand-in for Mia's bodyguard Lars in the movies. In the books, Lars van der Hooten accompanies Mia to school and outings with her friends. He has a good sense of humor and is very protective of Mia, and is known to be very friendly with Tina Hakim-Baba's bodyguard Wahim. Although it would have been good to see him in the movies, we may never have got to witness Joe's adorable romance with Clarisse.

Mia and Lana End Up Friends

Lily, Mia, and Lana smiling together in The Princess Diaries

Although in the movie Mia and Lana are sworn enemies, in the books they actually ended up as friends. After Mia's break up with Michael, the two girls end up going shopping together and Lana helps Mia pick out new clothes - even sitting with her at lunch in the final books. It seems that book Lana had more redeeming qualities than Mandy Moore's vicious mean girl.

The Story Is Set In New York

Charlotte smiling in the palace in The Princess Diaries

Whilst San Francisco is a much better setting for the movie's beach scenes and Mia's bonding with Clarisse at the pier, the story is actually set in New York City in the books. Mia and her mother live the quintessential New York lifestyle in a trendy loft and much of Mia's social life takes place at iconic New York City landmarks - including her senior prom on the observation deck of the Empire State Building.

Mia And Lilly Fall Out

Mia and Lily at school in The Princess Diaries

Although Mia and Lilly are best friends throughout the two movies, the girls have a falling out between books 9 and 10. Lilly is dating J.P. but he breaks up with her because he's falling in love with Mia, and when Mia actually ends up dating him, Lilly starts a website called recording all her embarrassing moments at school and generally dissing her.

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Thankfully, the friends make up in book 10 and The Princess Diaries world is set to rights.

Mia Ends Up With Michael

Mia and Michael dancing in The Princess Diaries (2001)The Princess Diaries (2001)

In the most pivotal difference between the book and the movies, Mia actually ends up with Michael. Although Nicholas from the second movie is handsome and charming, he's no Michael Moscovitz. In fact, he doesn't exist in the books at all. Mia and Michael are endgame, and after their break up Michael even spends a few years in Japan working on a robotic arm that can perform heart surgery so that he's worthy of her. If that's not peak romance, what is?

Next: 10 Things That Make No Sense About Mia in The Princess Diaries