Utilizing the fan-favorite 4 versus 1 gameplay style of titles such as Dead By Daylight or Friday the 13thPredator: Hunting Grounds provides a tense match of cat and mouse through the Predator universe. Pitting one player-controlled Predator versus 4 player-controlled Fireteam members, the objective for each faction starkly contradicts the others. The Predator aims to hunt and kill each member of the Fireteam, while Fireteam members attempt to complete certain objectives or killing the Predator before he claims the team as his victim. For fans of the franchise, Predator: Hunting Grounds is the perfect recreation of the acclaimed first film in video game form. Bringing the tense but awesome feeling of being stalked by the alien hunter and combining it with gruesomely violent combat and breadth of interesting mechanics and gadgets. The title is the perfect entry to the Predator game compendium and is what fans have been asking for, for years as the premier Predator gaming experience.

Related: Predator: Hunting Grounds - Beginner's Tips & Tricks (Predator)

Hunting down the Fireteam players is a task that, for fans of Predatorwould seem trivial at best. Due to the Predator race being master hunters and equipping players with a variety of gadgets to assist in the process, it would seem easy to hunt and defeat a group of player-controlled commandos. The reality, however, is that hunting down the Fireteam is a difficult and frustrating process. A well-coordinated group of players can evade and defeat a Predator player with relative ease. This both requires the Predator to play a more sneaky and tactical playstyle, while growing accustomed to taking some damage in exchange for a downing or killing of a Fireteam member. This calls for Predator players to grow comfortable with the healing mechanic and learning how to utilize the gadget. This guide will show members how to heal within a match of Predator: Hunting Grounds. 

How to Heal as the Predator in Predator: Hunting Grounds

Learning how to heal as the Predator will become a major factor in a player's longevity and strategy. Thankfully, the process is extremely trivial and not very difficult.

All a Predator needs to do is to scroll to the Healing Kit gadget in your gadget list and then press the prompted button to begin healing. Keep in mind, that when a player is healing the process is incredibly lengthy and leaves the Predator player exposed for that entire time. This can lead to a devastating counter-attack by the Fireteam members or give them time to escape. So be wise when choosing when and where to heal during a match.

More:  Predator: Hunting Grounds Review - B Movie, C-Game

Predator: Hunting Grounds is available on PS4, PC, and Xbox One.