Screen Rant

  • With two Pet Sematary adaptations, there are now two Zelda's two compare. 1 / 7

  • While the new is certainly effective, the original 1989 version is better. 2 / 7

    Pet Sematary Zelda crawling Vertical
  • Visually, this interpretation is just creepier overall. 3 / 7

    Pet Sematary Zelda Vertical
  • There's a heightened realism that adds to the horror. 4 / 7

    Zelda Pet Sematary 1989 Vertical
  • It better conveys how someone might remember a horrific memory. 5 / 7

    Zelda Pet Sematary yell Vertical
  • The latest adaptation was a bit more grounded, which would explain the biggest differences. 6 / 7

    Pet Sematary Ellie Vertical
  • Overall, though one is slightly more effective, they both get the job done. 7 / 7

    Pet Sematary Cat Vertical