Hogwarts Castle had already been standing for several hundred years even after Outlander deposits us in 18th century Scotland. If characters from Starz' popular historical romance existed in the Wizarding World, it's possible that they might have stumbled across the magical school while exploring the Scottish highlands. That is, if the protective charms didn't shoo them away first.

You might be thinking that Scotland in the 1700s is a place for brave Gryffindors, warriors ready to lay down their lives for their cause, and you're not wrong. But not everyone fits the brave-and-reckless Gryffindor archetype. There's plenty of steady and loyal Hufflepuffs, thoughtful and intellectual Ravenclaws, and ambitious and cunning Slytherins about as well, both in the past and present. We're sorting ten Outlander characters into their Hogwarts houses.

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Geillis Duncan: Slytherin

Geillis Duncan Outlander

Geillis starts off as a friend to Claire, the two of them bonding over their knowledge of local medicinal herbs. However, that friendship won't get in the way of Geillis' plans. As the show goes on, it's revealed that she's murdered at least five of her husbands. She inherited their fortunes or, in a couple of special cases, used them as a blood sacrifice to travel into the past.

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Yes, Geillis (also known as Gillian Edgars) is also from the 20th century. She discovered the power of the stone circles and their ability to transport people into the past. A staunch Scottish nationalist, she traveled back in time hoping to change Scotland's past. Her obsession with the Jacobite cause and her willingness to do anything to achieve her goal makes her a Slytherin for sure.

Brianna Randall Fraser: Ravenclaw

Brianna Outlander

Claire's daughter Brianna is stubborn and independent to a fault, which might make people believe she's a lion at heart. However, she's also wickedly intelligent. With a degree in mechanical engineering from Harvard (or MIT, in the books) it's clear she's dedicated to her studies.

More than that though, she tends to approach problems logically rather than emotionally. She also appreciates the strict rules of math as calming! Definitely a Ravenclaw.

Colum MacKenzie: Slytherin

Colum is the leader of the powerful MacKenzie clan. Despite suffering from Toulouse-Lautrec Syndrome, a degenerative disease affecting his legs, his position as Laird is never in question. When his father died and his inheritance was uncertain, it became clear that Colum had the clarity and level-headedness needed to be a good leader.

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His ability to hold his position of power despite his disability seems like a Slytherin trait to us. He's also willing to be ruthless. He makes big sacrifices for the benefit of his clan, including letting his younger brother father a child with his wife to ensure he has an heir.

Dougal MacKenzie: Gryffindor

Dougal MacKenzie on a horse in Outlander

Dougal is Clan Mackenzie's War Chieftain and Colum's brother. When their father died, he was almost made Laird despite being younger. But, due to his reckless and hot-headed nature, Colum took the position instead. But that recklessness means he's joined the ranks of noble Gryffindor!

He's also fearless in battle and commands the respect of many warriors. You can almost picture him losing House Points for leading students on a charge into the Forbidden Forest.

Murtagh Fraser: Hufflepuff

Murtagh is Jamie's godfather and one of the first friendly faces Claire encounters after traveling into the past. His defining characteristic is his unwavering loyalty to his godson. Eventually, he is one of Claire's most trusted allies when it comes to Jamie's wellbeing.

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Murtagh doesn't talk much and prefers to let his actions speak for themselves. He's not afraid to get his hands dirty, either. Most people picture Hufflepuffs as sweet cinnamon rolls, but their primary traits are loyal and hardworking. Murtagh embodies both when he goes behind the scenes to defend Jamie's honor and ensure his safety.

Frank Randall: Hufflepuff

Claire's first husband, from the 20th century, Frank is frequently described as warm and gentle. Still, his relationship with Claire suffers after she returns from the past, due in no small part to her falling in love with another man and returning carrying his child.

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When Claire was missing, he never gave up hope she would return to him. Because Hufflepuffs value loyalty so highly, it devastated Frank to know she wasn't loyal to him in return. He also belongs in Hufflepuff because, despite all that, he refused to abandon his wife or her child, resolving to raise Jamie's daughter as his own.

Lord John Grey: Gryffindor

John Grey is one of the most popular characters in the show. A kind and sensitive man and a good friend to both Jamie and Claire, it's not hard to see how he's become something of a fan favorite. He belongs in noble Gryffindor because of his honorable nature and his fierce bravery as a commander on the battlefield.

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He exhibits bravery in another aspect of his life, too. John Grey is gay, living in a time when being gay could get you sentenced to death. John Grey goes to great lengths to hide this fact from the public, but that doesn't mean he's ashamed of who he is. He tries to live true to himself despite the repressive time period, and Gryffindor is all about bravery in the face of injustice as well as on the battlefield.

Jonathan Randall: Slytherin

Black Jack Randall

Jonathan "Black Jack" Randall isn't in Slytherin because he's a villain. Not all Slytherins are evil, and not all evil people belong in Slytherin. Instead, he belongs in Slytherin because of the way he hides his villainy.

His public persona is carefully crafted to conceal his dark heart. He's handsome, the son of a nobleman, and a successful officer in the army. And yet, he's also singularly talented at saying and doing just the right thing to cause his victims the most pain, whether physically or emotionally. He's cunning, the archetype of a snake in the grass, and so belongs in Slytherin house.

Jamie Fraser: Gryffindor

It probably comes as no surprise that Jamie, the series' main heartthrob, belongs in Gryffindor. He is the very model of a romantic hero. He's charming, noble, good but not too good, a little impulsive, a little dangerous. He has Gryffindor written all over him.

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To get into specifics, Frasers are well known for their stubborn streak, a trait that's also common among Gryffindors. He also has a strong sense of duty and honor. We mean, he married Claire to save her life! If something is his responsibility, whether it be a fight, a punishment, or a sacrifice, he doesn't turn away. He faces it bravely and won't let anyone else suffer in his place.

Claire Randall Fraser: Ravenclaw

And finally, Claire, our protagonist. Claire belongs squarely in Ravenclaw. She's fiercely independent and trusts her own beliefs and observations above all else. She's a woman ahead of her time, even in 1945. She refuses to take orders without questioning them first. In dangerous situations, she keeps a cool head and is willing to make the kinds of tough decisions any doctor must make in combat.

She also has a sharp tongue that frequently gets her into trouble. Like many very intelligent people, she isn't always the most adept at handling social situations. More concerned with finding the truth than making everyone happy, her Ravenclaw personality complements Jamie's warm Gryffindor heart nicely.

NEXT: Outlander: 10 Things We Want To See In Season 5