The Quantum Moon is one of the celestial bodies that can be explored in Outer Wilds. Unlike the other bodies in the game, however, the moon is not immediately accessible. If players try to reach it, the Quantum Moon will disappear and will move to a different location. The Quantum Moon is one of the only main locations in Outer Wilds that cannot be accessed by simply traveling to it.

Across the solar system in Outer Wilds, players can find numerous writings left by an alien species called the Nomai. Some of these writings talk about one Nomai's trek to the Quantum Moon and its sixth location. The Nomai have observed the moon has five different locations it can move to, each orbiting one of the five main planets. However, the moon will occasionally disappear altogether. Along with the five locations, the Nomai determined there is a sixth location the moon goes.

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These writings confirm that it is possible to land on the Quantum Moon in Outer Wilds. Additionally, they hint even greater secret can be uncovered at the moon’s sixth location. It’s simply a matter of learning how to land on the Quantum Moon and reach its sixth location. To do so, players must learn the three quantum rules.

The Three Quantum Rules in Outer Wilds

The Tower of Quantum Knowledge shrine in Outer Wilds

The first quantum rule in Outer Wilds is the rule of quantum imaging. This rule says that observing a quantum object and observing an image of a quantum object is the same. Quantum objects, like the Quantum Moon in Outer Wilds, will move to a different location when players look away from it. However, by looking at an image of the quantum object, like a photograph, the object will stay in place even when players look away.

In Outer Wilds, players can use their scouts to take pictures of quantum objects. If they take a picture of the Quantum Moon, the moon will not vanish when they try to land on it. When entering the moon’s atmosphere, the environment will match that of the planet it is currently orbiting. At this point, players have successfully landed on the moon, but they still need to get to the sixth location. The other two quantum rules will help with this.

The second quantum rule is the rule of entanglement. This rule says if one is with a quantum object and is unable to observe their surroundings, for example, if they are in complete darkness, the person and the object become entangled, moving both to a different location. On the surface of Outer Wilds' Quantum Moon, players will find a tall structure called the shrine. The shrine is quantum, so players will have to continue looking at the shrine or take a picture of it to make sure it stays in place.

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Inside the shrine, players will find three devices: one to close and open the door they came through, one to turn on and off the lights, and one that indicates which location the moon is currently at. If players close the door while inside the shrine and then turn the lights off, when they turn the lights back on, the environment and indicator will have changed to match the corresponding planet the moon is now orbiting. Players will be able to travel to the sixth location this way, but, according to the third quantum rule, they will be stuck in the shrine unless the shrine is at the north pole.

Walking to the north pole in Outer Wilds is impossible, no matter where the Quantum Moon is located, as some part of the landscape will block off passage to the north. Additionally, players will always land at the south pole when they enter the atmosphere. To get to the north pole, players must use the shrine. When the Quantum Moon is orbiting Brittle Hollow, there will be a snowy patch near the north where the shrine can appear. If players get the shrine to appear here, they can apply the rule of entanglement to move the moon to the Hourglass Twins.

Once the moon is there, when players leave the tower, they can walk to the north pole. Players can then move the shrine to the north pole and use the rule of entanglement again until they reach the sixth location. When players open the door, they will be able to leave the shrine and explore the Quantum Moon's secret sixth location for the time-bending Outer Wilds secrets waiting for them.

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Outer Wilds is available for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One