In Pixar's new hit film Onward, a magical world full of mystical creatures was introduced. In order to create this universe, the creators drew inspiration from Dungeons and Dragons as well as general legend and folklore.

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While mythical creatures have long been a part of the fantasy genre, there are some creatures that more commonly appear than others. Lovers of these myths love to see these legendary creatures come to life in new ways. Here are 5 fantasy creatures we wish were a part of Onward and 5 we are glad they left out.

Wanted: Griffin

A griffin is a legendary creature that is part eagle, part lion. Due to the combination of these two animals, the griffin is often seen as a majestic and powerful creature. This kind of creature would have fit in perfectly with the cast of characters in Onward.

This character would have played particularly well off of the character of the Manticore. The Manticore relies on its fierceness and temper to be viewed as powerful whereas this creature could project power while maintaining grace and elegance.

Didn't Want: Yeti

The scenery in Onward is reminiscent of your typical suburban town. The town is filled with blue skies and green grasses. Trying to fit a yeti into this type of environment doesn't seem plausible as the yeti would be completely out of its element.

This also wouldn't be the most ideal time to have a yeti character due to the film's proximity in release to the DreamWorks film Abominable. Had a yeti been in Onward, the character would run the risk of taking fans out of the movie and constantly being compared to the character from Abominable.

Wanted: Wolpertinger

A wolpertinger is a creature from German folklore which is a combination of a deer, a rabbit, a squirrel, and a pheasant. The combination creates a truly beautiful and magnificent creature.

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All of the animals that make up a wolpertinger can be found in suburban areas, making this fantasy setting the ideal place for this creature to flourish. As no popular movies have included an interpretation of this character, the wolpertinger's appearance would have been a refreshing delight.

Didn't Want: Basilisk

A basilisk is a dark fantasy reptile from European mythology. This serpent is said to be so powerful that it can kill someone just by looking at them. While this fantasy creature was successfully used in the Harry Potter series, this type of creature is way too dark for a Pixar film.

The characters in Onward impart on a dangerous and difficult quest, but the film still maintains a lighthearted feel. Too deadly a creature would surely have a negative impact on the story.

Wanted: Hippocampus

This beautiful creature, more commonly known in English as a seahorse, is a large water creature that is part horse part fish. Graceful, majestic, and colorful, the presence of a hippocampus would have been stunning. Although there isn't a lot of water in the suburban town in which the main characters live, they do encounter several bodies of water on their journey.

These bodies of water seem remarkably empty, with no visible water creatures. This would have been a great place for these creatures to shine. It also could have been interesting to show a contrast between the way the fantasy creatures in suburbia live as opposed to the fantasy creatures in the wild.

Didn't Want: Sphinx

The sphinx is probably one of the most well-known fantasy creatures of all time due to the Great Sphinx of Giza. This Greek mythical creature is a combination between a human woman, a lion, and a bird. While this creature has elegance and majestic beauty it would seem too similar to the Maticore.

It's hard to imagine what could be done to distance this character's interpretation. This character would be at risk of seeming contrived, so it's good they left her out.

Wanted: Thestral

A thestral is a fantasy creature from the Harry Potter series. These creatures are winged horses that have reptilian features. The interesting thing about them is that they are only visible to individuals who have witnessed death.

While this may initially seem too dark for a Pixar film, these characters could provide layered insight into the backgrounds of characters without being overly gloomy. It would be interesting to see this fantasy creature portrayed in a more positive light. Much of Onward is about accepting death, so it makes sense that there would be a creature like a thestral in the film to symbolize the pain and beauty of this acceptance.

Didn't Want: Vampire

Another well-known fantasy creature is the vampire. This creature has had so many reinventions. There is the sympathetic vampire, such as Mitchell in Being Human. The pleasant vampires such as the vampires depicted in Twilight. The hilarious cartoon vampire such as those in Hotel TransylvaniaAnd the various evil depictions of vampires in television and film.

With so many popular vampire stories, it's hard to imagine how Onward could anything new or original to the conversation. With how overdone and commonplace vampires have become, it's best that they were left out of this film.

Wanted: Shug Monkey

A shrug monkey is a half-dog half-monkey creature from Cambridgeshire folklore. This creature has great potential to exist in the fantasy world Onward has created. The movie has many animalistic creatures which are given human qualities.

One of the only creatures in the film who acts like an animal is the dragon which plays the role of a household pet. By adding a shrug monkey, there could be a secondary fantasy creature that could serve as a high-energy household pet.

Didn't Want: Werewolf

Werewolves are another fantasy creature used in many stories. While several creatures in Onward have human characteristics or human elements, these characters are all distinctly different than a human.

A werewolf is primarily a man, transforming into a wolf occasionally, often due to a curse or altercation. This type of creature would not fit into the Onward universe as they would sometimes be out of place in a magical world.

NEXT: Disney: 10 Things That Don’t Make Sense About Onward