One Piece has recently provided manga readers with more on Luffy’s final attack, providing fans with more great content for the future of the series. As Luffy’s powers grow stronger, the continuous support of his crew and family continues to be present in his life. One of his support systems comes from the Marines.

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The Marines are the military sea force tasked with overseeing military operations, enforcing the law, and international security. And one thing that makes them important and valuable is their strength. But some are much stronger than others.

Monkey D. Garp

Monkey D. Garp holding a young Luffy.

As the paternal grandparent of Luffy, Monkey D. Garp is one of Luffy's support systems. Luffy also obtained some of his grandfather's mannerisms, such as falling asleep during conversations. But there is a lot more to him than just that.

Garp is considered the strongest marine. Even in his old age, his power and strength remain intact. Garp's abilities could throw even the most powerful One Piece enemies on their backs. This grandfather and his monstrous punch will render any Devil Fruit users defenseless.


Sengoku looking back at Law.

The enlightened and proud man with the motto "Reigning Justice," known as Sengoku, is in the top tier list of strongest Marines through his need to uphold justice - and he certainly has the power to back it up.

Despite his age, his Mythical Zoan type Devil Fruit is considered one of the most powerful in the series. His ability to transform into a giant golden Buddha and human-buddha hybrid give him an immense boost and greater physical abilities.


Kizaru looking at the viewer.

Kizaru holds power over thousands of junior personnel and commands entire fleets. This Marine is known for many things, and power is one of them.

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Despite his laid-back and easygoing personality, his mere presence causes fear. This presence in itself caused mass panic in the Sabaody Archipelago. And when an entire pirate population plus most of the Supernovas ran away, viewers got a sense of just how powerful this man is.


Akainu smoking a cigar in One Piece.

Akainu, previously going by the name Sakazuki, is a fleet admiral known for his extremism and belief in absolute justice and his way of enforcing it. And with his reputation, his devil fruit giving him the ability to turn into a Magma Human, and his final attack in One Piece known for being one of the best, there is much more than him being a fleet admiral.

His forms of punishment for those who break the law know no bounds. Any cries of mercy from the prisoners are ignored, and he will not hesitate to kill anyone that stands in his way. He is also responsible for killing Ace and leaving a massive scar on his chest, marking himself as Luffy's archnemesis.


Admiral Fujitora wielding a sword in One Piece.

Fujitora, who also goes by the alias of Issho, is a virtuous and kind man who believes in doing the right thing. With his hatred of evil, he blinded himself. However, being blind doesn't stop him from being any less powerful.

With the power of the Zushi Zushi no Mi, Fujitora can manipulate gravity. This gives him the ability to make it harder for his enemies to move and can increase the gravity that pushes his opponents to the ground. This pressure can be so intense that it can cause a crater in the ground beneath his opponent. And with the ability to summon meteorites by using gravity to bring them down onto his opponents, he isn't an individual one would want to go up against.


Not much is known about Ryokugyu as of yet. However, some information has been provided that has given fans a good idea of how powerful this admiral is.

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While he is lazy, he is considered one of the world's most powerful individuals by many. Doflamingo also said that Ryokugyu and Fujitora were monstrous in strength. Despite this, he still finds fighting too much of a hassle due to his lazy behavior.


Kong at Sengokus meeting.

Kong hasn't been in any on-screen fighting, so at the moment, it's not clear if he is more powerful than Ryokugyu. But his rank and what fans see of him so far put him in this position. However, with what being said, assumptions about his power can be made because of the position he holds.

As Government Commander in Chief, Kong possesses the power over the Marines and has the authority over Government espionage agents, the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Enies Lobby, and the Cipher Pols. His authority is second to the Five Elders and Im. Aside from this, his physical appearance, including his muscle mass and the numerous scars, suggests he has been through plenty of battles and is physically capable of showing enough power to get him where he is.


Smoker smoking two cigars.

Being known for his loose-cannon tendencies and rebellious attitude towards his superiors, the seasoned Marine soldier, Smoker, is a formidable opponent. Not only from his training but for his abilities given to him by the Logia Devil Fruit.

The Devil Fruit allows him to create, control, and transform his body into smoke. While controlling smoke, he can manipulate the density to solidify it and use it as a blunt weapon. He also can shoot powerful jets of smoke at his opponents.

X Drake

X Drake dragging Caribou.

Aside from being seen dragging away the occasional do-gooder, Caribou, X Drake is the captain of the Marine Secret Special Unit SWORD. He also received some powerful abilities after eating the Ryu Ryu no Mi ancient Zoan-type Devil Fruit.

The ancient fruit allows Drake to transform into a half and full allosaurus at will. This gives him powerful jaws with sharp tell that can bite through and make a Pacifista bleed. His tail and feet are also quite dangerous to any opponent that goes up against him.


Momonga the only survivor of the Mero Mero Mellow.

Aside from figuring out a method to block the effects of Boa Hancock's Mero Mero Mellow beam in a matter of seconds, Momonga is a vice admiral in the Marines who is known for his swordsmanship and abilities in both mind and spirit. His abilities not only make him highly proficient but deadly, as well.

With his sword, he was able to kill a Sea King from inside its belly and is seen using his sword while using his Rokushiki techniques. And in the anime, he sliced through Panz Fry's large metal soup ladle with a single strike.

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