Nightwing has always struggled to find his own rogue's gallery that is remotely as good as his father's, but two of Nightwing's villains truly stand out as the worst of the bunch. Nite-Wing and Torque were some of the worst villains Nightwing has ever had, and they were also kind of the funniest.

Tad Ryerstad, also known as Nite-Wing, was a lonely boy who grew up in a dysfunctional family. Eventually, he ran away and educated himself entirely on comic books and movies. This gave him a warped perception of morality and the world where he came to believe himself a superhero. But every superhero needs a name, and one day, while looking out his apartment window, Tad saw a 24/7 deli that specialized in chicken wings. From that, Nite-Wing was born. Likewise, Dudley Soames (Torque) was one of the most corrupt police officers in Bludhaven, he manipulated both Nightwing and Blockbuster into doing what he wanted, so he would benefit. Eventually, Blockbuster found out and twisted Dudley's head 180 degrees, but Dudley survived and with the help of some reflective glasses, he was able to move and act normally, albeit with his head facing the wrong way. Despite that incredibly useful ability, he was unsurprisingly caught by Nightwing and sent to prison.

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While in prison, Nightwing's two least intimidating villains met and managed to plan a breakout, Nite-Wing felt betrayed by Nightwing and Dudley, now called Torque, wanted revenge on Nightwing as well. So the two planned their break-out and after a fairly intelligent plan where they manipulate a super-powered prison guard, they escape and hide out in the sewers. As far as villains go, Nite-Wing and Torque aren't exactly the highest-stakes villains that Nightwing has ever faced. Torque mostly attacked other criminals in his attempts to rule Bludhaven by taking out competition, while Nite-Wing often attacked innocent people by mistake. However, Nite-Wing was adamant in his belief that he was a hero, and when he learned Torque was an actual criminal, they had a disagreement, and Nite-Wing killed Torque as seen in Nightwing #68 by Chuck Dixon and Trevor McCarthy.

Nite-Wing and Torque in Nightwing #68

It's not exactly the best team-up when one of the villains kills the other and the hero of the story isn't even involved. Nite-Wing and Torque, individually, didn't really accomplish much, they each had their own connections and interactions with Nightwing, Nite-Wing especially since he worked with Nightwing for a time. Torque also met and worked with Nightwing for a time, but nothing they did ever left much of an impact and when they did each commit a crime, they were almost immediately arrested. They were not exactly the Deathstroke or Raptor of their time.

Nightwing desperately needs his own rogue's gallery, readers may be seeing something with Tom Taylor's Heartless character, or Nightwing may eventually get back the Court of Owls. But one thing is for sure and that's Nite-Wing and Torque really were some of the worst villains Nightwing has ever had.