Gold in New World is a high-tier metal used to craft a variety of amulets and rings at a Tier-3 Outfitting Station. It is a valuable but rare metal that can be challenging to find throughout the regions in New World. To mine Gold Ore, players will need to reach a mining level of 45.

Similar to iron and silver veins in New World, gold is primarily located in rockier, mountainous areas and within caves and dungeons. After grinding up to the appropriate mining level, players can farm this valuable metal from specific spots spread out across the regions. Read on to learn where the best places to find and farm gold in New World.

Related: New World: How to Find More Silver (& What It's For)

The best places to farm gold in New World are located in Cutlass Keys, Reekwater, and Great Cleave. Some of these locations have high-level enemies, so players should be sure to be well-equipped to fight or be prepared to flee as needed. The more minable gold within an area, the more dangerous the nearby monsters or beasts will be.

Where to Find and Farm Gold in New World

new world crafting

Within the three regions, Cutlass Keys, Reekwater, and Great Cleave, in New World, there are several specific areas where players can find a good loop of Gold Veins. It will be important to keep in mind that these locations could change with New World's full release in September.

Cutlass Keys

New World Gold Vein Locations Cutlass Keys

To the northeast of Cutlass Keys, the rugged and ridged terrain offers many veins for farming gold. Several kinds of monsters roam the area, but they shouldn't pose too much of a threat, even for low-level players. However, the Lost Zombies can become an annoyance if not taken out before mining the Gold.


New World Gold Vein Locations Reekwater

A large group of Gold Veins can be found at the tip of Reekwater's northern border. The mineable Gold in this location spreads beyond Reekwater and into Weaver's Fen's southern border. Players should be sure to comb the surrounding area thoroughly to acquire the most Gold, but they should also beware of the dangerous Level-62 Mirepaw that resides in the vicinity.

Great Cleave

New World Gold Vein Locations Great Cleave

One of the best places to farm Gold in New World would be the east of Great Cleave's center, near the Frostbite Den. A Level-43 Deepit Abomination guards the mining nodes in this area. Building a campsite close by as a spawning point would be a good idea for players who feel they aren't strong enough yet to face it head-on.

Next: New World: How to Find More Stone (& What It's For)

New World is available on PC.