A new Capcom survey has led fans to speculate that once-popular horror IPs Dino Crisis and Dead Rising could be making a return. Both beloved franchises have been dormant for many years now, with Dead Rising 5 canceled in 2018, and Dino Crisis hasn't been seen since the original Xbox, despite many fans hoping for a Resident Evil 2-style remake.

Both the Dino Crisis and Dead Rising franchises were criticized for losing their way in their later entries and turning into more action-heavy titles as opposed to survival horror. In 2016's Dead Rising 4, the timers on each mission that gave a sense of urgency were eschewed to allow for more of a sandbox experience which was criticized for having no real tension. Meanwhile, 2003's Xbox-exclusive Dino Crisis saw the franchise moving into the distant future of 2548 upon a spacecraft, and leaving behind the series' fan-favorite lead Regina in exchange for a new protagonist. Despite this, many fans have been hoping Capcom would return to Dino Crisis and Dead Rising once again.

Related: Dino Crisis Fans Hope For New Game Following Capcom Update

It seems that it's very possible Capcom could revive Dino Crisis and Dead Rising, with new hopes for remakes, remasters, or sequels thanks to a recent survey (via TheGamer). The survey featured both titles and asked fans to "select any and all Capcom series that you like," suggesting the company could be collecting data for its future games. The survey also included IPs such as Resident Evil and Street Fighter, which have had recent remakes and sequels announced, and therefore fans have begun to wonder if the inclusion of Dino Crisis and Dead Rising could be gauging fan interest in the titles for a potential revival.

A cutscene form the original Dino Crisis game on PlayStation.

Dino Crisis fans have been campaigning for a remaster or remake of the original 1999 title for years. This fan demand only increased upon the release of the highly acclaimed Resident Evil 2 remake, and while players can bring Dino Crisis' Regina into RE2 with mods, there's still plenty of people hoping for an official game. The remake used Capcom's RE Engine to create a thrilling modern survival horror, abandoning the fixed cameras of the original in favor of a third-person perspective more in keeping with modern games. Because of these updates, many fans began to imagine what the dino-horror could look like if given the same treatment, leading to various fan-made trailers using footage from modern engines such as Unreal Engine 5, and even a full unofficial fan remake titled Dino Crisis: Revival being developed by Team Arklay's.

If Capcom is using its survey to gauge fan interest, the speculation that has come as a result of it has likely given the company its answer. It is currently unknown if Capcom is considering remakes, remasters, or sequels to Dino Crisis and Dead Rising, but the response to the survey's reveal has shown that there's still quite an eager audience for both horror franchises should they return.

Next: Exoprimal Trailer Reveals Capcom's New Anthem-Like Dino Crisis

Source: TheGamer