One of the best sci-fi dramas of all time, Dark, made quite an impression during its three-season run. A Netflix Original, the German series, released its first season in 2017. And, slowly but surely, it became one of the most popular series' on the world's biggest streaming platform.

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With the first two seasons leaving fans gasping for more, Dark released its third and final season quite recently, and it's fair to say that it has left the viewers quite satisfied. With Jonas Kahnwald being rescued by an otherworldly Martha, the final cycle of this mind-bending tale is about to begin. Here is how every episode from the third outing of Dark ranks according to IMDb.

"Deja-vu" (9.2)

In the first episode of season three, Jonas finds himself in another world with Martha, but, soon, he recognizes that he is in a different reality, one in which he doesn't exist. Three people, who are the same man but from different generations go on a killing spree, while Jonas tries to talk to Martha who doesn't know him.

This episode largely focuses upon an alternate reality, with many things different from the Winden the fans first noticed in seasons one and two. Also, the introduction of Eva aka elderly Martha, surprises Jonas, to say the least. She begins to uncover the truth about her world.

"The Survivors" (9.2)

In the second episode of season three, as the title suggests, the survivors of the 2020 apocalypse in Adam's world are shown. Claudia Tiedemann is working to reopen the portal while working to save Regina from dying of cancer.

In 1888, the otherworldly Martha has some answers for Jonas and his friends, and, while Jonas isn't having any of it, Bartosz is more forthcoming. In 1987, Katharina is looking for Mikkel, but she gets to know that her son and Ines have gone out for a while. In 2020, Peter and Elizabeth are looking for Charlotte and Franziska, as they do not know that both of them have traveled into different generations.

"Adam And Eva" (9.3)

In the third episode of season three, eventually, it comes to light that Adam and Eva want different things for the worlds they live in. While Adam wants nothing to exist, Eva wants to make sure everything goes on as it always has so that everyone lives.

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In the alternate reality, Jonas is working to earn Martha's trust, so that, together, they can stop the coming apocalypse in their world. In Adam's world, it's 1888, and Martha is with a middle-aged version of Jonas. She gives him the particle which enables time travel so that he can trust her. Jonas has always been naive, trusting anyone who is ready to talk to him.

"The Origin" (9.5)

In the fourth episode of season three, Hannah, who traveled into the past in Adam's world, is shown to be sleeping with Egon Tiedemann. She is doing what she does best, manipulating people into doing what she wants.

Later, she receives the news that is she is pregnant with Egon's kid, and, while she visits the doctor, she meets with Katharina's mother, which is a very awkward scene. Elsewhere, Jonas and Martha in Eva's world go to 2052 as their missions are made clearer by the middle-aged Martha. Young Martha's head is spinning while hearing everything, and expectedly so.

"Life And Death" (9.7)

In the fifth episode of season three, it's 2020, and Claudia is working very hard to reopen the portal in Adam's world, but, for some reason, she just cannot accomplish the task. When she gets back, she meets a woman looking exactly like her.

Later, it is revealed that she is also Claudia, but from the alternate reality, and she has come there to get Claudia to work for Eva instead of Adam. Jonas and Martha finally decide to work together to save Eva's world from apocalypse, but, when Jonas sees a particular sign, he begins to wonder what is it that Eva really wants. When he confronts her about it, an unforeseen event takes place.

"Light And Shadow" (9.7)

In the sixth episode of season three, the difference in the thinking of the characters from different worlds is highlighted again; Adam's people are called The Shadow, while Eva's are called The Light, even though all they do is bring pain to themselves and others, just because they can't let go of their deepest, darkest desires.

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Martha is going mad after watching Jonas die in front of her, and, as the apocalypse nears, she goes to Bartosz for help. Meanwhile, in the future, Adam holds Martha captive without telling her anything.

"Between The Time" (9.9)

The penultimate episode of season three is an absolutely stunning piece of work. This episode is dedicated to every character across different timelines, trying to figure out a way to live in the unforgiving worlds of theirs.

So much is going on that it's difficult to pinpoint anything specific, but the biggest thing that the fans learned from this is that Martha's son isn't the origin, and he never was. Instead, he is only a part of the puzzle, much like everyone else. Nevertheless, Claudia has the answer: there's a third world or the origin world.

"The Paradise" (9.9)

The series finale is peaceful, unforgettable, and provides fans with the closure they sought. After Adam killed Martha, he got to know what he always feared, that whatever he just did was a part of the long cycle. Nevertheless, Claudia has a way out of this as young Jonas and young Martha make their way to the origin world to stop H. G. Tannhaus from some trouble and pain. The finale answers every question.

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