Warning! This post contains a PREVIEW for Namor the Sub-Mariner #1A preview for Marvel's upcoming Namor series reveals a new status quo for the Sub-Mariner following the end of Namor's war for his kingdom of Atlantis. Set in the far future, Namor has become the ruler of the entire globe with the rival surface world hardly existing as it once did in the present Marvel Universe. However, it seems as though the Sub-Mariner might not have gained his victory in the way he wanted to.

Having no true allegiance to anyone but himself and his people, Namor has been both hero and villain in the Marvel Universe. Serving as a brutal ruler, the King of Atlantis' relationship with the surface world has always been a contentious one with a fair amount of complexity given his human father and Atlantean mother. Currently in the Marvel Universe, Namor has been struggling with Atlantis' desire for a new king while also assisting the Avengers in their upcoming battles with the multiversal Masters of Evil and Mephisto's Council of Red.

Related: The X-Men's Version of Namor Gets the Spotlight in New Cover Art

Now, a new preview for Namor the Sub-Mariner #1 from Christopher Cantwell and Pasqual Ferry sees Namor existing as ruler of the entire planet 100 years into the future. Due to rising sea levels and humanity's brutal war with the alien Kree, it seems as though Namor was practically handed his new crown. However, it's suggested by Namor himself that he's far from content in this new upcoming series.

Despite His Victory, Marvel Teases Namor Will Have Regrets

  • A century into the future, not much land remains on Earth. A combination of a worsening climate and a devastating war with the Kree has left the surface of the planet mostly inhospitable, with an ever-dwindling population of air-breathers and a profound lack of superheroes to protect them. Enter NAMOR, who these many years on is no longer King of Atlantis…but ruler of the entire world.

Despite a global takeover with next to zero resistance from the surface world, it seems as though Namor's victory was a hollow one. Apparently, all he really had to do was wait for the Earth's climate to get worse combined with a new threat Earth's heroes simply couldn't prevent. For a formidable warrior as powerful as Namor, it makes perfect sense that he'd feel discontent and unfulfilled as a result.

However, it does seem likely that Namor will soon find new purpose in the issues to come. While he doesn't seem all that concerned with the few who remain on the surface world, perhaps a new threat will rise for Namor to gladly meet in battle, beginning a new chapter for the ruler of Atlantis in this new series from Marvel Comics. The full Namor the Sub-Mariner #1 releases on October 12th.

Next: Namor's Worst Costume Will Never Appear in the MCU For Good Reason