Monster Hunter Rise will introduce new Silkbind attacks for each weapon, giving hunters even more special moves than before. The Hammer, Hunting Horn, Lance, Gunlance, Switch Axe, and Insect Glaive each have two special Silkbind moves, all of which greatly expand the player's capabilities in battle.

One of the biggest new mechanics in Monster Hunter Rise is the Wirebug. This is an item that acts in a similar way to Spider-Man's Web-Shooters. The Wirebug is a wrist-mounted insect that fires a rope-like web, which connects to other surfaces. The main function of the Wirebug is to propel the hunter into the air, giving them more 3D movement than any other entry in the series. Wirebugs now allow hunters to scale cliffs and jump onto structures, allowing them to quickly traverse the battlefield and escape from harm.

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The Wirebug allows the player to perform Silkbind attacks, which incorporate the web into different moves. The axes, lances, and hammers in Monster Hunter Rise gain a number of extra functions from their Silkbind attacks, which is why we have created a guide that breaks down all of their moves.

Hammer in Monster Hunter Rise

Monster Hunter Rise Hammer Yes

Impact Crater/Silkbind Spinning Bludgeon - The two Hammer Silkbind moves are similar, in that they both involve propelling the hunter forward for a special attack. Impact Crater is quicker, as the hunter swiftly leaps into the air and comes crashing down on the enemy. Silkbind Spinner is slower, as the player needs to charge their weapon in order to make the most of the attack. If pulled off correctly, the Silkbind Spinner can strike multiple times in a wide area, while being propelled forward. These attacks are useful in that they help move the hunter quickly across the battlefield, which is a major design shift present throughout all of Monster Hunter Rise. 

Hunting Horn in Monster Hunter Rise

A Monster Hunter Rise Hunting Horn

Slide Beat - This move throws the hunter forward and lets them perform an attack at the end, adding to their current melodies. The hunter is also immune to knockback while moving. It bears mentioning that the knockback immunity only works for a very short period of time, and it's not active when performing the final attack. This severely limits the usefulness of the move, as the timing has to be just right to reap the benefits of its best effect.

Earthshaker - This move allows the hunter to stab the Hunting Hammer forward and attack the monster from within with music. This move can be used to target specific body parts, in order to damage them. The only problem is that this move uses two Wirebug charges, and it has an extremely short range, so it's best saved for when enemies are incapacitated.

Lance in Monster Hunter Rise

Monster Hunter Lance Silkbind

Twin Vine - The initial part of this move costs 2 Wirebug charges. The hunter has to get into melee range and perform a short stab on the enemy. This will insert a kunai into the monster. The hunter can then spend Wirebug charges to launch themselves at the enemy while still guarding. This is an excellent combination of moves, but it burns through Wirebug charges to use. It's best saved for fast enemies with a lot of mobility, as it helps alleviate the slow movement speed of a Lance-user.

Anchor Rage - This move wraps Wirebugs around the hunter. If an enemy hits, the hunter will perform a counter and will gain an attack boost equal to the strength of the hit. Anchor Rage is even better than the standard Lance counter move, but be wary, as it has a short window of opportunity to work. It's easy to miss with this move if the enemy stalls. This means that Anchor Rage is best saved for slow and powerful foes.

Gunlance in Monster Hunter Rise

Monster Hunter Gunlance Silkbind

Guard Edge - This is an extremely useful blocking move for Gunlance users, as it increases the sharpness of the weapon. Gunlance attacks are powerful, but they burn through sharpness with each use. Guard Edge will be an important part of the hunter's arsenal, as it removes the need to keep relying on Whetstones in battle. This move also gives you the chance to counter after the hit, so long as the player times it right.

Hail Cutter - This move has a slow startup, doesn't propel the hunter very far, and uses 2 Wirebug charges. It's still worth using this move, however, as the hunter leaps into the air and descends with a powerful attack, followed by a second hit that plants an explosive in the monster's flesh. This move is best saved for when weapon sharpness is full and the hunter is just looking to deal damage.

Switch Axe in Monster Hunter Rise

A Monster Hunter Rise Switch Axe

Switch Charger - This move launches the hunter forward and quickly regenerates the Switch Gauge. This is a fantastic move, as it alleviates the lacklustre defensive abilities of the Switch Axe by enabling them to quickly escape from dangerous situations. The Switch Gauge healing also makes it easier for them to get back into the game and go full offensive with Sword Mode, once they are in a safe position to do so.

Invincible Gambit - This move throws the hunter forward for a series of blows. Invincible Gambit can only be used in Axe Mode, which would normally limit its effectiveness, as Axe Mode already has a long-range, but it has an incredibly useful secondary effect. While the hunter is attacking with Invincible Gambit, they become immune to flinching and knock-back. This makes it the perfect move to use when an enemy starts attacking, as it prevents the hunter from becoming stunlocked, which is one of the main ways a character is killed during a hunt.

Insect Glaive in Monster Hunter Rise

Monster Hunter Rise Insect Glaive Silkbind

Silkbind Vault - This move allows the hunter to perform a leaping attack. Silkbind Vault might not seem impressive on the surface, as aerial attacks are the bread and butter of Insect Glaive users, but it has one special quality that makes it worthwhile. If the hunter is already performing a vault, then they can use Silkbind Vault to perform a second jump in mid-air, giving them some additional time in the sky. This move can be performed multiple times in a row, depending on how many Wirebug charges are left, making it one of the best escape moves in the game.

Recall Kinsect - There are three elements to this move. The hunter will dodge backwards while recalling their Kinsect. The Kinsect will perform spinning attacks as it moves, and it will heal the hunter's health and its own stamina when it gets back. This is by far the more useful of the two Silkbind moves, and it will become an important part of the hunter's arsenal in the full version of Monster Hunter Rise.

Next: Why The Monster Hunter Movie Looks Nothing Like The Games

Monster Hunter Rise will be released for Nintendo Switch on March 26, 2021.