A dedicated Minecraft player has managed to reconstruct a lifelike Big Ben in the game's Survival Mode. The renowned sandbox title has become synonymous with massive builds that sometimes span entire Minecraft worlds. Players have to invest substantial time to pull off the creations, and most of the time, the results match the effort.

Survival Mode makes finishing these huge constructs all the more challenging. Players who choose to tackle a large project in this game mode have to deal with so many factors that those using Creative Mode do not have to worry about. Not only are there external threats to worry about with hostile mobs, but resources are far more limited and players need to be wary of their health and hunger bar. Even with all of these extra elements to manage, that has not stopped a select group of dedicated players from pushing on and successfully building large creations such as a huge Minecraft castle.

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Reddit user FollowingNo5979 has contributed the latest entry to the growing list of impressive Survival Mode creations with their build of Big Ben. According to the creator, the lifelike reconstruction of the famous clock tower took 50 hours to complete. The rest of Parliament was not included with this particular build, but that might have been difficult to pull off given the surrounding landscape on which the Big Ben recreation stands, even though adjusting the terrain is entirely possible.

Even with the added threats of Survival Mode, some players are still more than capable of completely reshaping their worlds and turning previously uninhabitable places into thriving creations. One dedicated player built a Minecraft base in the middle of the ocean and spent a total of six months making it a livable location. Others have taken it upon themselves to, instead of simply building something, literally reshape the entire world, with one extreme example recreating The End.

What makes Minecraft so special is that it simply comes down to dedication and imagination. If a player thinks of a potential creation, then there are likely mechanics in the sandbox title to make that build a reality. Those that succeed in pulling these constructs off are the ones willing to put in the time necessary to reach the desired level of detail. Even after a full decade, Minecraft players are still finding new ways to challenge themselves, and it appears that passion for creativity is not dwindling anytime in the near future.

Next: Minecraft Player Builds The End In Survival Server

Minecraft is available on all platforms.

Source: FollowingNo5979/Reddit