In The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Geralt of Rivia treks across a massive continent (called the Continent) in an epic quest to find his quasi-adopted daughter, Ciri. Of course, there are dozens of other stories and adventures that he gets entangled in along the way. It all makes for an absorbing open-world game that features a number of deep game-play systems and meticulous attention to detail.

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Geralt will need to manage his health and stamina. He will need to maintain the condition of his equipment. He'll have to prepare for battle with careful research and smart decoctions. He'll sometimes stray from his quest to find Ciri and spend a few hours playing cards instead. It must be exhausting for Geralt! Good thing he can take a rest, and not just when a bathhouse is nearby. This guide will explain how to meditate and what this does.

How to Meditate in The Witcher 3

witcher 3 meditation menu

There are two different ways to meditate in The Witcher 3. One way is by finding the Meditation tab on the pause menu. The player should navigate to the far right of the menu, just after the Character tab. In this sub-menu the player will see a clock that can be turned forward, causing Geralt to meditate.

The player can also bring up the Meditation menu through the Sign Wheel (which is opened while playing by holding LI, LB, or L on the PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch respectively) While holding open the Sign Wheel the player will see a button prompt that will allow them to quickly get into the Meditation menu.

It's worth noting Geralt cannot meditate while on his horse or in battle. He can, however, meditate in between combat encounters so long as he is not close enough to an enemy to cause them to aggro.

Why Meditate in The Witcher 3

Meditating can cause a number of benefits regardless of how long Geralt meditates for. On Easy and Normal difficulty (or Just the Story! and Story and Sword! as they're called in the game) meditating will completely restore Geralt's health and removes any toxicity buildup. This will not occur on Hard or Very Hard (Blood and Broken Bones! and Death March!). On all difficulties, meditating will replenish all potions so long as the player has Alcohol on hand. The game will do this automatically, so if the player doesn't want their Alcohol to be used, they should be wary of meditating.

Meditating will also pass the time and the player can specify what hour they'd like to meditate until. If Geralt needs to get to a certain time for a particular quest, this is a handy tool. It's also great if the player just wants to explore the Continent during the gorgeous (and unnaturally long) periods of dawn and dusk.

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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.